pub trait Casing<T: AsRef<str>> {
    fn to_case(&self, case: Case) -> String;
    fn from_case(&self, case: Case) -> StateConverter<'_, T>;
    fn with_boundaries(&self, bs: &[Boundary]) -> StateConverter<'_, T>;
    fn is_case(&self, case: Case) -> bool;
Expand description

Describes items that can be converted into a case. This trait is used in conjunction with the StateConverter struct which is returned from a couple methods on Casing.

Implemented for strings &str, String, and &String.

Required Methods

Convert the string into the given case. It will reference self and create a new String with the same pattern and delimeter as case. It will split on boundaries defined at Boundary::defaults().

use convert_case::{Case, Casing};

    "Tetronimo piece border".to_case(Case::Kebab)

Start the case conversion by storing the boundaries associated with the given case.

use convert_case::{Case, Casing};

    "2020-08-10 Dannie Birthday"

Creates a StateConverter struct initialized with the boundaries provided.

use convert_case::{Boundary, Case, Casing};

    "E1M1 Hangar"
        .with_boundaries(&[Boundary::DigitUpper, Boundary::Space])

Determines if self is of the given case. This is done simply by applying the conversion and seeing if the result is the same.

use convert_case::{Case, Casing};
assert!( "kebab-case-string".is_case(Case::Kebab));
assert!( "Train-Case-String".is_case(Case::Train));

