Crate containers_api

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Connection related items
Utility functions to handle dates and time.
Utility functions to compression.
Utility functions to handle URL manipulation.


Implements methods to set a parameter of a specified type serialized as JSON.
Implements a filter method that uses a Filter trait parameter
Implements methods to set a urlencoded squence of key:value items.
Initialize a Opts struct with a OptsBuilder struct to construct it.
Initialize a Opts struct with a required parameter and OptsBuilder struct to construct it.
Implements methods to set a urlencoded string enum parameter.
Implements methods to set a string parameter serialized as JSON.
Implements methods to set a urlencoded parameter of a boolean.
Implements methods to set a urlencoded enum parameter.
Implements methods to set a urlencoded parameter of a specified type.
Implements methods to set a urlencoded string parameter.
Implements methods to set a urlencoded parameter of a sequence of items.
Implements methods to set a specified parameter that contains a seuquence of items serialized as JSON.