Crate constriction

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Entropy Coding Primitives for Research and Production

The constriction crate provides a set of composable entropy coding algorithms with a focus on correctness, versatility, ease of use, compression performance, and computational efficiency. The goals of constriction are to three-fold:

  1. to facilitate research on novel lossless and lossy compression methods by providing a composable set of entropy coding primitives rather than a rigid implementation of a single preconfigured method;
  2. to simplify the transition from research code to production software by exposing the exact same functionality via both a Python API (for rapid prototyping on research code) and a Rust API (for turning successful prototypes into production); and
  3. to serve as a teaching resource by providing a wide range of entropy coding algorithms within a single consistent framework, thus making the various algorithms easily discoverable and comparable on example models and data. Additional teaching material is being made publicly available as a by-product of an ongoing university course on data compression with deep probabilistic models.

For an example of a compression codec that started as research code in Python and was then deployed as a fast and dependency-free WebAssembly module using constriction’s Rust API, have a look at The Linguistic Flux Capacitor.

§Project Status

We currently provide implementations of the following entropy coding algorithms:

  • Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS): a fast modern entropy coder with near-optimal compression effectiveness that supports advanced use cases like bits-back coding.
  • Range Coding: a computationally efficient variant of Arithmetic Coding, that has essentially the same compression effectiveness as ANS Coding but operates as a queue (“first in first out”), which makes it preferable for autoregressive models.
  • Chain Coding: an experimental new entropy coder that combines the (net) effectiveness of stream codes with the locality of symbol codes; it is meant for experimental new compression approaches that perform joint inference, quantization, and bits-back coding in an end-to-end optimization. This experimental coder is mainly provided to prove to ourselves that the API for encoding and decoding, which is shared across all stream coders, is flexible enough to express complex novel tasks.
  • Huffman Coding: a well-known symbol code, mainly provided here for teaching purpose; you’ll usually want to use a stream code like ANS or Range Coding instead since symbol codes can have a considerable overhead on the bitrate, especially in the regime of low entropy per symbol, which is common in machine-learning based compression methods.

Further, constriction provides implementations of common probability distributions in fixed-point arithmetic, which can be used as entropy models in either of the above stream codes. The crate also provides adapters for turning custom probability distributions into exactly invertible fixed-point arithmetic.

The provided implementations of entropy coding algorithms and probability distributions are extensively tested and should be considered reliable (except for the still experimental Chain Coder). However, their APIs may change in future versions of constriction if more user experience reveals any shortcomings of the current APIs in terms of ergonomics. Please file an issue if you run into a scenario where the current APIs are suboptimal.

§Quick Start With the Rust API

You are currently reading the documentation of constriction’s Rust API. If Rust is not your language of choice then head over to the Python API Documentation. The Rust API provides efficient and composable entropy coding primitives that can be adjusted to a fine degree of detail using type parameters and const generics (type aliases with sane defaults for all generic parameters are provided as a guidance). The Python API exposes the most common use cases of these entropy coding primitives to an environment that feels more natural to many data scientists.


To use constriction in your Rust project, just add the following line to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml:

constriction = "0.4.0"

§System Requirements

constriction requires Rust version 1.51 or later for its use of the min_const_generics feature. If you have an older version of Rust, update to the latest version by running rustup update stable.

§Encoding Example

In this example, we’ll encode some symbols using a quantized Gaussian distribution as entropy model. Each symbol will be modeled by a quantized Gaussian with a different mean and standard deviation (so that the example is not too simplistic). We’ll use the probability crate for the Gaussian distributions, so also add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml:

probability = "0.20"

Now, let’s encode (i.e., compress) some symbols. We’ll use an Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS) Coder here for its speed and compression performance. We’ll discuss how you could replace the ANS Coder with a Range Coder or a symbol code like Huffman Coding below.

use constriction::stream::{stack::DefaultAnsCoder, model::DefaultLeakyQuantizer};
use probability::distribution::Gaussian;

fn encode_sample_data() -> Vec<u32> {
    // Create an empty ANS Coder with default word and state size:
    let mut coder = DefaultAnsCoder::new();

    // Some made up data and entropy models for demonstration purpose:
    let symbols = [23i32, -15, 78, 43, -69];
    let means = [35.2, -1.7, 30.1, 71.2, -75.1];
    let stds = [10.1, 25.3, 23.8, 35.4, 3.9];

    // Create an adapter that integrates 1-d probability density functions over bins
    // `[n - 0.5, n + 0.5)` for all integers `n` from `-100` to `100` using fixed point
    // arithmetic with default precision, guaranteeing a nonzero probability for each bin:
    let quantizer = DefaultLeakyQuantizer::new(-100..=100);

    // Encode the data (in reverse order, since ANS Coding operates as a stack):
            |((&sym, &mean), &std)| (sym, quantizer.quantize(Gaussian::new(mean, std)))

    // Retrieve the compressed representation (filling it up to full words with zero bits).

assert_eq!(encode_sample_data(), [0x421C_7EC3, 0x000B_8ED1]);

§Decoding Example

Now, let’s reconstruct the sample data from its compressed representation.

use constriction::stream::{stack::DefaultAnsCoder, model::DefaultLeakyQuantizer, Decode};
use probability::distribution::Gaussian;

fn decode_sample_data(compressed: Vec<u32>) -> Vec<i32> {
    // Create an ANS Coder with default word and state size from the compressed data:
    // (ANS uses the same type for encoding and decoding, which makes the method very flexible
    // and allows interleaving small encoding and decoding chunks, e.g., for bits-back coding.)
    let mut coder = DefaultAnsCoder::from_compressed(compressed).unwrap();

    // Same entropy models and quantizer we used for encoding:
    let means = [35.2, -1.7, 30.1, 71.2, -75.1];
    let stds = [10.1, 25.3, 23.8, 35.4, 3.9];
    let quantizer = DefaultLeakyQuantizer::new(-100..=100);

    // Decode the data:
            |(&mean, &std)| quantizer.quantize(Gaussian::new(mean, std))
    )).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().unwrap()

assert_eq!(decode_sample_data(vec![0x421C_7EC3, 0x000B_8ED1]), [23, -15, 78, 43, -69]);


Try out the above examples and verify that decoding reconstructs the original data. Then see how easy constriction makes it to replace the ANS Coder with a Range Coder by making the following substitutions:

In the encoder,

  • replace constriction::stream::stack::DefaultAnsCoder with constriction::stream::queue::DefaultRangeEncoder; and
  • replace coder.encode_symbols_reverse with coder.encode_symbols (you no longer need to encode symbols in reverse order since Range Coding operates as a queue, i.e., first-in-first-out). You’ll also have to add the line use constriction::stream::Encode; to the top of the file to bring the trait method encode_symbols into scope.

In the decoder,

  • replace constriction::stream::stack::DefaultAnsCoder with constriction::stream::queue::DefaultRangeDecoder (note that Range Coding distinguishes between an encoder and a decoder type since the encoder writes to the back while the decoder reads from the front; by contrast, ANS Coding is a stack, i.e., it reads and writes at the same position and allows interleaving reads and writes).

Remark: You could also use a symbol code like Huffman Coding (see module symbol) but that would have considerably worse compression performance, especially on large files, since symbol codes always emit an integer number of bits per compressed symbol, even if the information content of the symbol is a fractional number (stream codes like ANS and Range Coding effectively emit a fractional number of bits per symbol since they amortize over several symbols).

The above replacements should lead you to something like this:

use constriction::stream::{
    queue::{DefaultRangeEncoder, DefaultRangeDecoder},
    Encode, Decode,
use probability::distribution::Gaussian;

fn encode_sample_data() -> Vec<u32> {
    // Create an empty Range Encoder with default word and state size:
    let mut encoder = DefaultRangeEncoder::new();

    // Same made up data, entropy models, and quantizer as in the ANS Coding example above:
    let symbols = [23i32, -15, 78, 43, -69];
    let means = [35.2, -1.7, 30.1, 71.2, -75.1];
    let stds = [10.1, 25.3, 23.8, 35.4, 3.9];
    let quantizer = DefaultLeakyQuantizer::new(-100..=100);

    // Encode the data (this time in normal order, since Range Coding is a queue):
            |((&sym, &mean), &std)| (sym, quantizer.quantize(Gaussian::new(mean, std)))

    // Retrieve the (sealed up) compressed representation.

fn decode_sample_data(compressed: Vec<u32>) -> Vec<i32> {
    // Create a Range Decoder with default word and state size from the compressed data:
    let mut decoder = DefaultRangeDecoder::from_compressed(compressed).unwrap();

    // Same entropy models and quantizer we used for encoding:
    let means = [35.2, -1.7, 30.1, 71.2, -75.1];
    let stds = [10.1, 25.3, 23.8, 35.4, 3.9];
    let quantizer = DefaultLeakyQuantizer::new(-100..=100);

    // Decode the data:
            |(&mean, &std)| quantizer.quantize(Gaussian::new(mean, std))
    )).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().unwrap()

let compressed = encode_sample_data();

// We'll get a different compressed representation than in the ANS Coding
// example because we're using a different entropy coding algorithm ...
assert_eq!(compressed, [0x1C31EFEB, 0x87B430DA]);

// ... but as long as we decode with the matching algorithm we can still reconstruct the data:
assert_eq!(decode_sample_data(compressed), [23, -15, 78, 43, -69]);

§Where to Go Next?

If you already have an entropy model and you just want to encode and decode some sequence of symbols then you can probably start by adjusting the above examples to your needs. Or have a closer look at the stream module.

If you’re still new to the concept of entropy coding then check out the teaching material.


  • Sources and sinks of compressed data
  • Stream Codes (entropy codes that amortize over several symbols)
  • Symbol Codes (mainly provided for teaching purpose; typically inferior to stream codes)




  • A trait for bit strings of fixed (and usually small) length.
  • A trait for bit strings like BitArray but with guaranteed nonzero values
  • A trait for entropy coders that keep track of their current position within the compressed data.
  • Trait for coders or backends that might implement Pos and/or Seek
  • A trait for entropy coders that support random access.
  • A trait for marking how reading and writing order relate to each other.