Struct constellation::bitset::BitSetAnd [] [src]

pub struct BitSetAnd<A: BitSetLike, B: BitSetLike>(pub A, pub B);

BitSetAnd takes two BitSetLike items, and merges the masks returning a new virtual set, which represents an intersection of the two original sets.

Trait Implementations

impl<A: BitSetLike, B: BitSetLike> BitSetLike for BitSetAnd<A, B>

Return a usize where each bit represents if any word in layer2 has been set. Read more

Return the usize from the array of usizes that indicates if any bit has been set in layer1 Read more

Return the usize from the array of usizes that indicates if any bit has been set in layer0 Read more

Return a usize that maps to the direct 1:1 association with each index of the set Read more

Create an iterator that will scan over the keyspace