pub struct Formatter<'w> { /* private fields */ }
Available on crate feature fmt only.
Expand description

A handle for writing formatted output.

Formatter writes utf8 encoded text, it can’t be used to write arbitrary bytes.


Types can change how they’re formatted based on the value returned by .flags(), for more details on that you can read the documentation for FormattingFlags.


This type can be constructed in these ways:


The write_* methods can only return an Error::NotEnoughSpace, when they do, the formatter was not written to, so you can try again with a shorter input.

In the case of the debug_* methods / the Debug* structs, they can return a Error::NotEnoughSpace when their finish method is called, not as soon as it happens.


Display formatting

This example demonstrates how you can do display formatting with a Formatter.

If you want to write a braced struct/variant you can use DebugStruct, or DebugTuple for tuple structs/variants.


use const_format::{Error, Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};
use const_format::{impl_fmt, try_};

struct Foo;

    impl[] Foo;
    const fn const_display_fmt(&self, mut f: Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let string = "foo bar baz";
        try_!(f.write_str(" "));
        try_!(f.write_str_range(string, 4..7));

// We have to coerce `&mut StrWriter<[u8; 256]>` to `&mut StrWriter` to call the
// `make_formatter` method.
let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 256]);

let flags = FormattingFlags::NEW.set_binary();

// The Display formatters from this crate don't care which NumberFormatting you pass,
// they'll just write integers as decimal.

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "100 bar\n\n\n...figters");

Writing to an array

This example demonstrates how you can use a Formatter to write to a byte slice.

You can use the from_custom constructor if you need to start writing from anywhere other than 0.


use const_format::{Error, Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};
use const_format::{impl_fmt, try_, writec};

const fn write_int(int: u32, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    let mut len = 0;
    let mut f = Formatter::from_custom_cleared(buffer, &mut len, FormattingFlags::NEW);
    try_!(writec!(f, "{0},{0:x},{0:b}", int));

let mut buffer = [0;64];

let written = write_int(17, &mut buffer).unwrap();

let string = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer[..written])
    .expect("Formatter only writes valid UTF8");

assert_eq!(string, "17,11,10001");


Constructs a Formatter.


use const_format::{Error, Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};
use const_format::try_;

const fn inner(mut f: Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
    try_!(f.write_str_range("ABCDEF", 2..4));
    try_!(f.write_str(" N"));
    try_!(f.write_ascii_repeated(b'o', 10));

// We have to coerce `&mut StrWriter<[u8; 128]>` to `&mut StrWriter` to call the
// `as_str` method.
let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 128]);
inner(Formatter::from_sw(writer, FormattingFlags::NEW)).unwrap();

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "CD Noooooooooo");

Constructs a Formatter.


use const_format::{Error, Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriterMut};
use const_format::try_;

const fn inner(mut f: Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
    try_!(f.write_str_range("DVDVDVD", 2..5));
    try_!(f.write_str(" N"));
    try_!(f.write_ascii_repeated(b'o', 10));

let mut len = 0;
let mut buffer = [0; 128];

let mut writer = StrWriterMut::from_custom_cleared(&mut buffer, &mut len);

// We need to call `.reborrow()`, because otherwise the `StrWriterMut` is moved.
inner(Formatter::from_sw_mut(writer.reborrow(), FormattingFlags::NEW)).unwrap();

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "DVD Noooooooooo");

Construct a Formatter from a byte slice.

Formatter only writes utf8, which means that if &buffer[..length] is valid utf8, then buffer will continue to be utf8 after being written by the Formatter.


This example demonstrates how you can use a Formatter to write to a byte slice that had some text written to it already.


use const_format::{Error, Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};
use const_format::{impl_fmt, try_, writec};

/// # Safety
/// `&buffer[..start]` must be valid utf8.
const fn write_int(
    int: u32,
    buffer: &mut [u8],
    start: usize,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    let mut len = start;
    let mut f = Formatter::from_custom(buffer, &mut len, FormattingFlags::NEW);
    try_!(writec!(f, "{0},{0:x},{0:b}", int));

let start_str = "The number is ";
let mut buffer = [0;64];

let new_len = write_int(20, &mut buffer, start_str.len()).unwrap();

let string = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer[..new_len])
    .expect("Formatter only writes valid UTF8");

assert_eq!(string, "The number is 20,14,10100");

Construct a Formatterfrom a byte slice.


For an example of using this method you can look at the type level docs

Gets the formatting flags associated with this Formatter.

Gets how much indentation a data structure is printed with.

For borrowing this mutably in macros,just takes and returns a &mut Self.

Constructs a reborrow of this formatter, using flags as the formatting flags.

The return value inherits the margin from this Formatter.

This method exists because the writec macro gets a formatter from any writer by calling a make_formatter method.


This example demonstrates how you can change the flags when writing a field.


use const_format::{Error, Formatter, PWrapper};
use const_format::{coerce_to_fmt, formatc, impl_fmt, try_};

use std::ops::RangeInclusive;

struct Foo{
    x: u32,
    y: RangeInclusive<usize>,
    z: u32,

    impl Foo;

    pub const fn const_debug_fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut f = f.debug_struct("Foo");
        let mut fmt_y = f.field("y");
        let flags = fmt_y.flags().set_binary();
        try_!(coerce_to_fmt!(&self.y).const_debug_fmt(&mut fmt_y.make_formatter(flags)));


const FOO: Foo = Foo {
    x: 15,
    y: 16..=31,
    z: 32,
const S: &str = formatc!("{FOO:#?}");

const EXPECTED: &str = "\
Foo {
    x: 15,
    y: 0b10000..=0b11111,
    z: 32,

assert_eq!(S, EXPECTED);

For debug writing a braced struct, or braced variant, taking its name as a parameter


For examples of using this method, you can look at the docs for DebugStruct

For debug writing a tuple struct, or tuple variant,taking its name as a parameter


For examples of using this method, you can look at the docs for DebugTuple

For debug writing a list/array.


For examples of using this method, you can look at the docs for DebugList

For debug writing a set.


For examples of using this method, you can look at the docs for DebugSet

Writes &string[range] into this Formatter.

This is a workaround for being unable to do &foo[start..end] at compile time.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_str_range("FOO BAR BAZ", 4..7);

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "BAR");

Writes string into this Formatter.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_str("FOO BAR BAZ");

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "FOO BAR BAZ");

Writes character into this Formatter.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 4]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_char('a');
let _ = fmt.write_char('b');
let _ = fmt.write_char('c');

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "abc");

Writes &ascii[range] into this formatter.

This is a workaround for being unable to do &foo[start..end] at compile time.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter, ascii_str};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_ascii_range(ascii_str!("FOO BAR BAZ"), 4..7);

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "BAR");

Writes ascii into this formatter.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter, ascii_str};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_ascii(ascii_str!("FOO BAR BAZ"));

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "FOO BAR BAZ");

Writes the ascii character into this formatter repeated times.

If character is greater than 127, this writes character - 128 as an ascii character.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_ascii_repeated(b'A', 10);

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "AAAAAAAAAA");

Writes string into this formatter, with debug formatting.

This is a workaround for being unable to do &foo[start..end] at compile time.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_str_range_debug("FOO\nBAR\tBAZ", 3..8);

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), r#""\nBAR\t""#);

Writes string into this formatter, with debug formatting.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_str_debug("FOO\nBAR\tBAZ");

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), r#""FOO\nBAR\tBAZ""#);

Writes character into this Formatter, with debug formatting.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 64]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_str(" ");
let _ = fmt.write_char_debug('\\');
let _ = fmt.write_str(" ");
let _ = fmt.write_char_debug('A');
let _ = fmt.write_str(" ");
let _ = fmt.write_char_debug('0');
let _ = fmt.write_str(" ");
let _ = fmt.write_char_debug('\'');
let _ = fmt.write_str(" ");

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), r#" '\\' 'A' '0' '\'' "#);

Writes &ascii[range] into this formatter, with debug formatting.

This is a workaround for being unable to do &foo[start..end] at compile time.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter, ascii_str};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_ascii_range_debug(ascii_str!("FOO\nBAR\tBAZ"), 3..8);

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), r#""\nBAR\t""#);

Writes ascii into this formatter, with debug formatting.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter, ascii_str};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_ascii_debug(ascii_str!("FOO\nBAR\tBAZ"));

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), r#""FOO\nBAR\tBAZ""#);

Write n with display formatting.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter, ascii_str};

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 16]);
let mut fmt = writer.make_formatter(FormattingFlags::NEW);

let _ = fmt.write_u8_display(13);
let _ = fmt.write_u8_display(21);
let _ = fmt.write_u8_display(34);

assert_eq!(writer.as_str(), "132134");

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with display formatting

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_display method.

Writes n with debug formatting.


use const_format::{Formatter, FormattingFlags, StrWriter};

fn debug_fmt(writer: &mut StrWriter, flag: FormattingFlags) -> &str {
    let mut fmt = Formatter::from_sw(writer, flag);
    let _ = fmt.write_u8_debug(63);

let reg_flag = FormattingFlags::NEW.set_alternate(false);
let alt_flag = FormattingFlags::NEW.set_alternate(true);

let writer: &mut StrWriter = &mut StrWriter::new([0; 64]);

assert_eq!(debug_fmt(writer, reg_flag),                   "63"     );
assert_eq!(debug_fmt(writer, reg_flag.set_hexadecimal()), "3F"     );
assert_eq!(debug_fmt(writer, reg_flag.set_binary()),      "111111" );
assert_eq!(debug_fmt(writer, alt_flag),                   "63"     );
assert_eq!(debug_fmt(writer, alt_flag.set_hexadecimal()), "0x3F"   );
assert_eq!(debug_fmt(writer, alt_flag.set_binary()),      "0b111111");

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Writes n with debug formatting.

For an example, you can look at the one for the write_u8_debug method.

Trait Implementations

Whether this is a StrWriter or not, this can be either of IsAStrWriter or IsNotAStrWriter Read more

The type after dereferencing, implemented as type This = Self; for all non-reference types Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.