Crate conrod_glium[][src]

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A glium backend for rendering conrod primitives.


An iterator yielding Commands, produced by the Renderer::commands method.

A rusttype GlyphCache along with a glium::texture::Texture2d for caching text on the GPU.

A type used for translating render::Primitives into Commands that indicate how to draw the conrod GUI using glium.

The Vertex type passed to the vertex shader.


A Command describing a step in the drawing process.

A Command for drawing to the target.

Possible errors that may occur during a call to Renderer::draw.

Possible errors that may occur during a call to Renderer::new.


The fragment shader used within the glium::Program for OpenGL.

The fragment shader used within the glium::Program for OpenGL.

The fragment shader used within the glium::Program for OpenGL ES.

Ignore tex and draw simple, colored 2D geometry.

Draw an image from the texture at tex in the fragment shader.

Draw text from the text cache texture tex in the fragment shader.

The vertex shader used within the glium::Program for OpenGL.

The vertex shader used within the glium::Program for OpenGL.

The vertex shader used within the glium::Program for OpenGL ES.


Glium textures that have two dimensions.


Default glium DrawParameters with alpha blending enabled.

Converts gamma (brightness) from sRGB to linear color space.

Construct the glium shader program that can be used to render Vertexes.

Return the optimal client format for the text texture given the version.

Return the optimal uncompressed float format for the text texture given the version.