Struct conrod::Text [] [src]

pub struct Text<'a> {
    pub common: CommonBuilder,
    pub text: &'a str,
    pub style: Style,

Displays some given text centred within a rectangular area.

By default, the rectangular dimensions are fit to the area occuppied by the text.

If some horizontal dimension is given, the text will automatically wrap to the width and align in accordance with the produced Align.


common: CommonBuilder

Data necessary and common for all widget builder types.

text: &'a str

The text to be drawn by the Text.

style: Style

Unique styling for the Text.


impl<'a> Text<'a>

fn new(text: &'a str) -> Self

Build a new Text widget.

fn font_size(self, size: FontSize) -> Self

Build the Text with the given font size.

fn no_line_wrap(self) -> Self

Specify that the Text should not wrap lines around the width.

fn wrap_by_word(self) -> Self

Line wrap the Text at the beginning of the first word that exceeds the width.

fn wrap_by_character(self) -> Self

Line wrap the Text at the beginning of the first character that exceeds the width.

fn with_style(self, style: Style) -> Self

Build the Text with the given Style.

fn align_text_left(self) -> Self

Align the text to the left of its bounding Rect's x axis range.

fn align_text_middle(self) -> Self

Align the text to the middle of its bounding Rect's x axis range.

fn align_text_right(self) -> Self

Align the text to the right of its bounding Rect's x axis range.

fn line_spacing(self, height: Scalar) -> Self

The height of the space used between consecutive lines.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a> Widget for Text<'a>

type State = State

State to be stored within the Uis widget cache. Read more

type Style = Style

Styling used by the widget to draw its graphics. Read more

fn common(&self) -> &CommonBuilder

Return a reference to a CommonBuilder struct owned by the Widget. This method allows us to do a blanket impl of Positionable and Sizeable for T: Widget. Read more

fn common_mut(&mut self) -> &mut CommonBuilder

Return a mutable reference to a CommonBuilder struct owned by the Widget. This method allows us to do a blanket impl of Positionable and Sizeable for T: Widget. Read more

fn unique_kind(&self) -> &'static str

Return the kind of the widget as a &'static str. Read more

fn init_state(&self) -> State

Return the initial State of the Widget. Read more

fn style(&self) -> Style

Return the styling of the widget. Read more

fn default_x_dimension<C: CharacterCache>(&self, ui: &Ui<C>) -> Dimension

If no specific width was given, we'll use the width of the widest line as a default.

fn default_y_dimension<C: CharacterCache>(&self, ui: &Ui<C>) -> Dimension

If no specific height was given, we'll use the total height of the text as a default.

fn update<C: CharacterCache>(self, args: UpdateArgs<Self, C>)

Update the state of the Text.

fn default_x_position<C: CharacterCache>(&self, ui: &Ui<C>) -> Position

The default Position for the widget along the x axis. Read more

fn default_y_position<C: CharacterCache>(&self, ui: &Ui<C>) -> Position

The default Position for the widget along the y axis. Read more

fn drag_area(&self, _dim: Dimensions, _style: &Self::Style, _theme: &Theme) -> Option<Rect>

If the widget is draggable, implement this method and return the position an dimensions of the draggable space. The position should be relative to the center of the widget. Read more

fn kid_area<C: CharacterCache>(&self, args: KidAreaArgs<Self, C>) -> KidArea

The area on which child widgets will be placed when using the Place Position methods.

fn parent<I: Into<Index>>(self, parent_idx: I) -> Self

Set the parent widget for this Widget by passing the WidgetId of the parent. Read more

fn no_parent(self) -> Self

Specify that this widget has no parent widgets.

fn place_on_kid_area(self, b: bool) -> Self

Set whether or not the Widget should be placed on the kid_area. Read more

fn graphics_for<I: Into<Index>>(self, idx: I) -> Self

Indicates that the Widget is used as a non-interactive graphical element for some other widget. Read more

fn floating(self, is_floating: bool) -> Self

Set whether or not the widget is floating (the default is false). A typical example of a floating widget would be a pop-up or alert window. Read more

fn scroll_kids(self) -> Self

Set whether or not the widget's KidArea is scrollable (the default is false). Read more

fn scroll_kids_vertically(self) -> Self

Set whether or not the widget's KidArea is scrollable (the default is false). Read more

fn scroll_kids_horizontally(self) -> Self

Set whether or not the widget's KidArea is scrollable (the default is false). Read more

fn set<I, U>(self, idx: I, ui: &mut U) where I: Into<Index>, U: UiRefMut

Note: There should be no need to override this method. Read more

impl<'a> Colorable for Text<'a>

fn color(self, color: Color) -> Self

Set the color of the widget.

fn rgba(self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32) -> Self

Set the color of the widget from rgba values.

fn rgb(self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) -> Self

Set the color of the widget from rgb values.

fn hsla(self, h: f32, s: f32, l: f32, a: f32) -> Self

Set the color of the widget from hsla values.

fn hsl(self, h: f32, s: f32, l: f32) -> Self

Set the color of the widget from hsl values.