conditional-s3-fetch 0.1.0

File structure to parse and conditionally fetch from S3 when updated using etags failed to build conditional-s3-fetch-0.1.0
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File container struct that fetches and parses S3 files, with conditional fetching.

Often you'll need to implement a background file fetcher on a longer-live process. To avoid unnecessary fetches, you can use the conditional-s3-fetch crate to fetch files from S3 only when they have been modified.

It will use the If-None-Match header with the provided AWS S3 ETag response header, to avoid fetching and parsing the file if it hasn't been modified. This crate provides a File struct which adds metadata to the parsed content, so it can be reused in future fetch calls.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

conditional-s3-fetch = "0.1.0"

Provided file parses are:

  • [String]
  • [Vec<u8>]
  • [bytes::Bytes]

Additional schemaless file format parses provided on this crate:

  • simd-json (default) or json: Provides the Json parser to help read files into structure.
  • cbor (default): Provides the Cbor parser to help read files into structure.

You can customize which built-in additional parser is provided by disabling the default features and enabling the desired one.

conditional-s3-fetch = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["json"] }


You can start with a [File::unloaded] instance which doesn't have any data, and then fetch it using the fetch method later, such as a background process loop.

use conditional_s3_fetch::File;;

let mut file = File::<String>::unloaded("my-bucket", "/my/path.txt");

for x in 1..10 {
    match file.fetch(&s3_client).await {
        Ok(Some(new)) => file = new,
        Ok(None) => println!("No modification"),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e),
    println!("Scheduling another update soon");

Adding shared mutable-access, such as Arc's are left as an exercise to each project to better fit their needs.

Implementing a custom parser

You can implement your own parser by implementing the [Parse] trait with your custom parser logic. It then can be called with a File::<MyParser> turbofish syntax.

use conditional_s3_fetch::{File, Parse, BoxedResult};

struct MyParser;

impl Parse for MyParser {
    type Output = String;

    fn parse(data: bytes::Bytes) -> BoxedResult<Self::Output> {
        match data.as_ref() {
            b"hello" => Ok("world".to_string()),
            _ => Err("Invalid data".into()),

let file = File::<MyParser>::unloaded("my-bucket", "/my/path.txt");

Local development

There is an example binary that can be used to test the crate locally, using a minio container locally.

cd example
docker-compose up -d
cargo run --example watcher
docker-compose down