[][src]Module concrete_lib::guide::tutorial_iris

A tutorial to evaluate a trained logistic regression with Concrete library.

In this tutorial, we will use the Iris dataset and train a logistic regression on it. This dataset is sorting irises according to 4 lengths measured on flowers. There are 3 different types of irises. With this tutorial we want to showcase how to use some of the Concrete's functions. The goal of this tutorial is to train a logistic regression with python3 and implement in Rust a program using the Concrete library to homomorphically predict the class of an encrypted input iris.

1. Set up

To complete this tutorial, you have to install the following tools:

  • python3
  • sklearn
  • numpy
  • Rust

2. Start a new Rust project

To create a new Rust project, you can run this simple command:

cargo new iris_log_reg

There is a main.rs file in this new project and we are going to edit it during this tutorial :-)

3. Train a logistic regression over the Iris dataset

We are going to use python and sklearn to train our logistic regression and we can do that as follow.

# Python code

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn import datasets

# import the Iris dataset
dataset_iris = datasets.load_iris()

# concatenate the features with their labels and shuffle them
data_and_labels = np.c_[(dataset_iris.data,dataset_iris.target)]

# split into a training set (120 elements) and a validation set (30 elements)
training_set = data_and_labels[:120,:-1]
training_labels = data_and_labels[:120,-1]
testing_set = data_and_labels[120:,:-1]
testing_labels = data_and_labels[120:,-1]

# create an instance of a logistic regression
logreg = LogisticRegression(C=1e5)

# train the logistic regression

# print the score over the validation set
print(f"score: {logreg.score(testing_set,testing_labels)*100}")

With this particular example we have 100% of accuracy :p

4. Take a look at the weights of the trained logistic regression

The coefficients are stored in coef_. We have in our logistic regression 3 perceptrons because we have 3 classes possible. Each perceptron takes as input 4 feature values since our dataset has 4 features. In consequence, we have 4*3=12 coefficients in our logistic regression. We can already write some Rust code:

// Rust code

// topology of the logistic regression
const NB_PERCEPTRON: usize = 3;
const NB_FEATURE: usize = 4;

Let's have a look to the minimum and maximum values of the coefficients.

# Python code

print(f"min: {logreg.coef_.min()}; max: {logreg.coef_.max()}")

They are (in absolute value) lesser than 11. Now we can print them and convert them into Rust code.

# Python code

import functools
print(f"const WEIGHTS: [f64; {logreg.coef_.flatten().shape[0]}] = [{functools.reduce(lambda x,y : str(x)+', '+str(y),logreg.coef_.flatten())}];")
print(f"const BIASES: [f64; {logreg.intercept_.shape[0]}] = [{functools.reduce(lambda x,y : str(x)+', '+str(y),logreg.intercept_)}];")

We get something like that that we can immediately copy paste into our Rust project.

// Rust code

// weights
const MAX_WEIGHT: f64 = 11.;
const WEIGHTS: [f64; 12] = [
const BIASES: [f64; 3] = [1.666627227331721, 18.918783641421552, -20.585410868758302];

We will need the validation set, both the input and their labels in our Rust project to really play :-)

# Python code

import functools
print(f"const VALIDATION_SET: [f64; {testing_set.shape[0]*testing_set.shape[1]}] = [{functools.reduce(lambda x,y : str(x)+', '+str(y),testing_set.flatten())}];")
print(f"const VALIDATION_LABELS: [f64; {testing_labels.shape[0]}] = [{functools.reduce(lambda x,y : str(x)+', '+str(y),testing_labels)}];")
// Rust code

// validation set
const VALIDATION_SET: [f64; 120] = [
    5.3, 3.7, 1.5, 0.2, 5.7, 3.8, 1.7, 0.3, 5.2, 4.1, 1.5, 0.1, 7.4, 2.8, 6.1, 1.9, 7.0, 3.2,
    4.7, 1.4, 5.2, 3.5, 1.5, 0.2, 6.4, 2.7, 5.3, 1.9, 5.6, 2.8, 4.9, 2.0, 5.5, 4.2, 1.4, 0.2,
    6.7, 3.0, 5.0, 1.7, 7.7, 3.0, 6.1, 2.3, 5.5, 2.4, 3.8, 1.1, 6.1, 2.8, 4.0, 1.3, 6.1, 3.0,
    4.9, 1.8, 4.5, 2.3, 1.3, 0.3, 6.4, 2.8, 5.6, 2.1, 5.4, 3.9, 1.3, 0.4, 5.7, 2.6, 3.5, 1.0,
    6.7, 3.1, 4.4, 1.4, 7.6, 3.0, 6.6, 2.1, 5.2, 3.4, 1.4, 0.2, 5.8, 2.6, 4.0, 1.2, 5.1, 3.8,
    1.5, 0.3, 7.2, 3.2, 6.0, 1.8, 4.8, 3.0, 1.4, 0.1, 6.5, 3.0, 5.5, 1.8, 6.0, 3.4, 4.5, 1.6,
    5.1, 3.8, 1.9, 0.4, 6.3, 2.5, 4.9, 1.5, 5.9, 3.0, 5.1, 1.8,
const VALIDATION_LABELS: [f64; 30] = [
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0,
    1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0,

5. Find good encodings for our input

Let have a look to our input and find a good interval for each feature. We want to see each minimum value and each maximum value.

# Python code

for col in training_set.T:
    print(f"min: {col.min()}; max: {col.max()}")

It make sens to use the interval [0,8]. We can add other constant to our implementation in Rust, such as the minimum of the encoding interval and the its size. We will also need other parameters: the number of bits of precision and the number of bits of precision for the weights and also the number of bits of padding.

// Rust code

// encoding settings
const MIN_INTERVAL: f64 = 0.;
const MAX_INTERVAL: f64 = 8.;
const NB_BIT_PRECISION: usize = 5;
const NB_BIT_PRECISION_WEIGHTS: usize = 5;

We took 8 bits of padding because we are going to use 5 of them for the multiplication by a constant, 2 for summing 4 LWE ciphertexts, and a last one to compute a bootstrap evaluating the activation function.

Now your Rust code should look like this.

6. Setup the crypto

We have to write a function that generates everything we need for the crypto: a secret key to encrypt/decrypt and a bootstrapping key to compute complex homomorphic operations.

Once again we have to pick some settings: the LWE parameters, a base_log and a level. They will all have an impact on the precision we can have at most, so they are very important.

The creation of the bootstrapping key takes some time so for now we used the zero function which only allocates instead of the new function.

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;

// lwe settings
const LWE_PARAMS: LWEParams = LWE128_688;
const RLWE_PARAMS: RLWEParams = RLWE128_2048_1;

// bootstrapping settings
const BASE_LOG: usize = 8;
const LEVEL: usize = 5;

fn setup_gen() -> (LWESecretKey, LWEBSK, LWESecretKey) {
    // generation of the keys
    let lwe_key_input = LWESecretKey::new(&LWE_PARAMS);
    let rlwe_secret_key = RLWESecretKey::new(&RLWE_PARAMS);
    let lwe_key_output = rlwe_secret_key.to_lwe_secret_key();
    let bootstrapping_key = LWEBSK::new(&lwe_key_input, &rlwe_secret_key, BASE_LOG, LEVEL);

    // we write the keys in files

    (lwe_key_input, bootstrapping_key, lwe_key_output)

Since it can takes a long time to generate a bootstrapping key we wrote them into files and we can add a setup function that loads those files.

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;

fn setup_load() -> (LWESecretKey, LWEBSK, LWESecretKey) {
    let bootstrapping_key = LWEBSK::read_in_file_bytes("bsk_bytes.txt");
    let lwe_key_input = LWESecretKey::load("lwe_key_input.json").unwrap();
    let lwe_key_output = LWESecretKey::load("lwe_key_output.json").unwrap();

    (lwe_key_input, bootstrapping_key, lwe_key_output)

7. Write an encrypt function

Now that we have a way to generate our secret key, we can use it to encrypt an input. In our use-case, an input is an f64 slice of size 4. Let's write an encrypt function that will encrypt our input.

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;

// encoding settings
const MIN_INTERVAL: f64 = 0.;
const MAX_INTERVAL: f64 = 8.;
const NB_BIT_PRECISION: usize = 5;
const NB_BIT_PRECISION_WEIGHTS: usize = 5;

fn encrypt_input(input: &[f64], lwe_secret_key: &LWESecretKey) -> LWE {
    // generate an encoder
    let encoder =

    // encode and encrypt
    let ciphertexts = LWE::new_encode_encrypt(lwe_secret_key, input, &encoder).unwrap();


8. Write a decrypt and argmax function

In the same way we will write a function that will decrypt and compute the argmax function obtain the inference.

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;

fn decrypt_inference(ciphertexts: &LWE, lwe_secret_key: &LWESecretKey) -> usize {
    // decrypt
    let decryptions = ciphertexts.decrypt(lwe_secret_key).unwrap();

    // find the argmax
    let mut res: usize = 0;
    for (i, val) in decryptions.iter().enumerate() {
        if decryptions[res] < *val {
            res = i;


Now the last thing we have to code, and the most interesting is the homomorphic computation! But first we can check that our code works for now with a simple example where we encrypt some values and get the argmax. You can try on your own and when you feel like it you chan check a possible answer right here

9. Computation of the products between LWE ciphertexts and some constants

We now start to code the homomorphic computation code! The first thing for our inference is to multiply each features with a constant, and that for each perceptron. We are going to write a function that homomorphically computes what a single preceptron needs to compute. It takes as input for now some LWE ciphertexts, the bootstrapping key, the weights, the bias and it output nothing (for now :p).

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;

const NB_BIT_PRECISION: usize = 5;
const NB_BIT_PRECISION_WEIGHTS: usize = 5;

// topology of the logistic regression
const NB_PERCEPTRON: usize = 3;
const NB_FEATURE: usize = 4;

// weights
const MAX_WEIGHT: f64 = 11.;

fn homomorphic_perceptron(
    ciphertexts: &mut LWE,
    key_switching_key: &LWEKSK,
    bootstrapping_key: &LWEBSK,
    weights: &[f64],
    bias: f64,
) {
    // clone the ciphertexts
    let mut ct = ciphertexts.clone();

    // multiply each ciphertext with a weight
    ct.mul_constant_with_padding_inplace(&weights, MAX_WEIGHT, NB_BIT_PRECISION)

    // more homomorphic operations...

10. Homomorphic computation a sum of LWE ciphertexts

We need to compute a sum now between the 4 resulting ciphertexts obtained after multiplication. We are going to write a quick function that will take as argument a LWE structure with four LWE ciphertexts in it, and output one LWE structure with one LWE ciphertext in it that is the sum of the four input ones. The sum will be done by consuming 2 bits of padding.

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;

fn add_4(ciphertexts: &LWE) -> LWE {
    // first addition
    let mut c0 = ciphertexts.extract_nth(0).unwrap();
    let c1 = ciphertexts.extract_nth(1).unwrap();

    // second addition
    let mut c2 = ciphertexts.extract_nth(2).unwrap();
    let c3 = ciphertexts.extract_nth(3).unwrap();

    // last addition

Now we can plug this function in our homomorphic_perceptron function and finally return an LWE (even if we have to compute others things in between).

Your code should look like that.

11. Add the bias and compute the sigmoid function

There are two last things our homomorphic perceptron has to compute, the addition with the bias and the computation of the sigmoid function. We can do both at the same time with a bootstrap! In the following code we are going to code a simpler function just to show you how to add a bootstrap to your homomorphic_perceptron function. We have to use a key switching procedure first to make the bootstrapping key smaller and the bootstrap faster.

use concrete_lib::*;

const NB_BIT_PRECISION: usize = 5;
const NB_BIT_PRECISION_WEIGHTS: usize = 5;

fn mockup_bootstrap(ciphertext_input: &mut LWE, bootstrapping_key: &LWEBSK, bias: f64) {
    // output interval
    let encoder_output = Encoder::new(0., 1., NB_BIT_PRECISION, 0).unwrap();

    // bootstrap
    let ciphertext_output = ciphertext_input
            |x| 1. / (1. + (-x - bias).exp()), // the sigmoid function
            &encoder_output,                   // contains the output of the sigmoid function
            0,                                 // the 0th LWE ciphertext in the structure

12. Wrap homomorphic_perceptron into a homomorphic_inference function

We have to write a function that will call homomorphic_perceptron as many times as we have preceptrons and aggregate the results.

/// file: main.rs
use concrete_lib::*;
use itertools::izip;

const NB_PERCEPTRON: usize = 3;
const NB_FEATURE: usize = 4;
const WEIGHTS: [f64; 12] = [0.; 12];
const BIASES: [f64; 3] = [0.; 3];

fn homomorphic_inference(input_ciphertexts: &mut LWE, bootstrapping_key: &LWEBSK) -> LWE {
    // allocation of the result with zeros
    let mut result = LWE::zero(
        bootstrapping_key.dimension * bootstrapping_key.polynomial_size,

    // compute for each perceptron
    for (weights, bias, i) in izip!(WEIGHTS.chunks(NB_FEATURE), BIASES.iter(), 0..NB_PERCEPTRON)
        let mut tmp =
            homomorphic_perceptron(input_ciphertexts, bootstrapping_key, weights, *bias);

        // copy the output of the perceptron inside result
        result.copy_in_nth_nth_inplace(i, &tmp, 0);

    return result;

fn homomorphic_perceptron(
    ciphertexts: &mut LWE,
    bootstrapping_key: &LWEBSK,
    weights: &[f64],
    bias: f64,
) -> LWE {
    // some code
    return LWE::zero(1, 1).unwrap();

13. Put everything together

Now you have all you need to combine everything. We end up with an accuracy of 0.67.

The code is available here.



The full code step by step: step 1


The full code step by step: step 2


The full code step by step: step 3


The full code step by step: step 4