pub trait Conciliator: for<'l> GetLine<'l> {
    // Provided methods
    fn line<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line { ... }
    fn status<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line { ... }
    fn info<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line { ... }
    fn warn<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line { ... }
    fn error<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line { ... }
    fn print<T: Print>(&self, thing: T) { ... }
Expand description

[ > ] Decorate user-facing messages with tags

This trait extends GetLine implementers to decorate messages with a tag like [ > ]. There are four different tags and they can be used to categorize output messages similar to a log level. In this regard, they can be used to highlight warning and error messages visually, but there is no filtering / severity threshold (or any of the functionality which a logging library might provide): the tags are entirely decorative.

It could be argued that there is some utility in visually highlighting warning and error messages, but the main motivation is aesthetic – to get a slightly more polished and intentional look than what you’d get using bare println!s. It adds a little bit of “structure” to the output & makes certain messages stand out without having to resort to ALL CAPS or drawing boxes with @@@@@@@@@@ and =============.

Whether it achieves that is obviously a matter of personal taste, and to some extent this really is just needless ceremony. With that said, using the Conciliator over println! does encourage a certain degree of discipline around writing to stdout, which is a globally shared resource. Instead of having access to it directly from anywhere in the program, a struct (i.e. the Claw) is instantiated once and then passed around explicitly.

Additionally, it offers the user an opportunity to customize the appearance of the application, as described in the style module-level docs.

Provided Methods§


fn line<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line

Get a plain buffer without a tag


fn status<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line

Get a line buffer with the status tag


fn info<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line

Get a line buffer with the info tag


fn warn<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line

Get a line buffer with the warn tag


fn error<I: InitialContent>(&self, init: I) -> <Self as GetLine<'_>>::Line

Get a line buffer with the error tag


fn print<T: Print>(&self, thing: T)

Print a multi-line text segment

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
