Function conch_runtime::eval::eval_redirects_or_cmd_words_with_restorer[][src]

pub fn eval_redirects_or_cmd_words_with_restorer<R, W, I, E: ?Sized, RR>(
    restorer: RR,
    words: I,
    env: &E
) -> EvalRedirectOrCmdWord<R, W, I::IntoIter, E, RR> where
    I: IntoIterator<Item = RedirectOrCmdWord<R, W>>,
    R: RedirectEval<E>,
    W: WordEval<E>,
    E: FileDescEnvironment,
    E::FileHandle: From<FileDesc>,
    RR: RedirectEnvRestorer<E>, 

Create a future which will evaluate a series of redirections and shell words, and supply a RedirectEnvRestorer to use.

All redirections will be applied to the environment. On successful completion, a RedirectEnvRestorer will be returned which allows the caller to reverse the changes from applying these redirections. On error, the redirections will be automatically restored.