components-arena 4.2.1

Simple library for creating complex domain-specific self-referential data structures. failed to build components-arena-4.2.1
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maintenance: actively developed


Strong-typed arena. Simple library for creating complex domain-specific self-referential data structures.

This arena does not use generations approach in a strict sense, but it uses some similar technique for avoiding the ABA effect.

Example: circular linked list

use std::mem::replace;
use macro_attr_2018::macro_attr;
use components_arena::{Id, Arena, Component};

macro_attr! {
    struct Node {
        next: Id<Node>,
        data: (),

struct List {
    last: Option<Id<Node>>,
    nodes: Arena<Node>,

impl List {
    fn new() -> Self {
        List { last: None, nodes: Arena::new() }

    fn push(&mut self, data: ()) -> Id<Node> {
        let id = self.nodes.insert(|id| (Node { next: id, data }, id));
        if let Some(last) = self.last {
            self.nodes[id].next = replace(&mut self.nodes[last].next, id);
        } else {
            self.last = Some(id);