Crate compact_jwt

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Json Web Tokens (JWT) are a popular method for creating signed transparent tokens that can be verified by clients and servers. They are enshrined in standards like OpenID Connect which causes them to be a widespread and required component of many modern web authentication system.

This is a minimal implementation of JWTs and Oidc Tokens that aims for auditability and correctness.


use std::str::FromStr;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use url::Url;
use compact_jwt::{
    // Traits

let oidc = OidcToken {
        iss: Url::parse("").unwrap(),
        sub: OidcSubject::S("UniqueId".to_string()),

let mut jws_es256_signer =

let oidc_signed = jws_es256_signer.sign(&oidc)

// Get the signed formatted token string
let token_str = oidc_signed.to_string();

// Build a validator from the public key of the signer. In a client scenario
// you would get this public jwk from the oidc authorisation server.
let mut jwk_es256_verifier = jws_es256_signer
    .expect("failed to get verifier from signer");

// Assuming we have the token_str, we parse it to an unverified state.
let oidc_unverified = OidcUnverified::from_str(&token_str)

let curtime = SystemTime::now()
    .expect("Failed to retrieve current time")
    .as_secs() as i64;

let oidc_validated = jwk_es256_verifier
    .and_then(|oidc_exp| oidc_exp.verify_exp(curtime))

// Prove we got back the same content.
assert!(oidc_validated == oidc);



  • JWS Signing and Verification Structures
  • A dangerous verification type that allows bypassing cryptographic checking of the content of JWS tokens.
  • Error types.
  • JWE Implementation
  • JWS Implementation
  • Jwt implementation
  • Oidc token implementation
  • Traits that define behaviour of JWS signing and verification types.