Crate compact_rc

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Low-memory reference-counting pointers.

The types in this crate have almost the same methods as standard Rc and Arc. The differences from the standard types are as follows:

  • Weak reference is not supported.
  • Small integers can be used as refcount.
CrateStrong countWeak count
compact-rcu8, u16, u32, u64, usizenot supported


use compact_rc::Rc8;

fn main() {
    // rc1 is a pointer containing i8 value with u8 refcount.
    let rc1: Rc8<i8> = Rc8::new(100);

    assert_eq!(Rc8::strong_count(&rc1), 1);
    assert_eq!(*rc1, 100);

    // Increment the refcount.
    // The value is shared by rc1 and rc2.
    let rc2 = rc1.clone();

    assert_eq!(Rc8::strong_count(&rc1), 2);
    assert_eq!(Rc8::strong_count(&rc2), 2);
    assert_eq!(*rc1, 100);
    assert_eq!(*rc2, 100);
    assert!(Rc8::ptr_eq(&rc1, &rc2));

