Crate common_risp

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Common RISP is a LISP language implementation that operates embedded in Rust code.

§Get Started

The code below uses LISP format to calculate and print a numeric value.

fn main() {
        (print 99)
        (print (+ 1 2 (* 3 4) 5))

The execution result is as follows:

 Compiling common_risp v0.0.0 (/home/myyrakle/Codes/Rust/common_risp/common_risp)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
     Running `target/debug/common_risp`


RISP provides +, -, *, /, rem, mod as the basic arithmetic operators. The behavior is almost identical to LISP.

fn main() {
        (print (+ 1 2 3 4 5))
        (print (- 10 20))
        (print (* 10 20))
        (print (/ 40 20))
        (print (rem 10 3))
        (print (mod 10 3))

Comparison operators are provided as <, >, <=, >=, =, and /=.

fn main() {
        (print (< 10 20))
        (print (< 10 20 30))
        (print (> 10 20))
        (print (<= 10 20))
        (print (>= 10 20))
        (print (= 10 20))
        (print (/= 10 20))

Logical operators and, or, and not are provided.

fn main() {
        (print (and true false))
        (print (or true false))
        (print (not true))


RISP provides variable declaration functionality through the defvar and defparameter functions.

fn main() {
        (defvar x 10)
        (defparameter y 20)
        (print (+ x y))

And, you can change the value of a variable through setq.

fn main() {
        (defvar x 10)
        (defparameter y 20)
        (print (+ x y))
        (setq x 30)
        (setq y 40)
        (print (+ x y))


RISP provides function declaration functionality through the defun function.

fn main() {
        (defun add (x:i32 y:i32) i32 (+ x y))
        (print (add 10 20))

The difference between RISP and LISP is that parameter types and return types were added for type stability. However, if there is no return type, it can be omitted.

fn main() {
        (defun print_add (x:i32 y:i32) (print (+ x y)))
        (print_add 10 20)


RISP provides an IF statement.

fn main() {
        (defvar x 10)
        (defvar y 20)
        (if (< x y) (print "x is less than y") (print "x is greater than or equal to y"))


Variables and functions defined within RISP code can also be used outside RISP code.

fn main() {
        (defvar x 10)
        (defun add (x:i32 y:i32) i32 (+ x y))

    assert_eq!(x, 10);
    assert_eq!(add(10, 20), 30);

Also, the opposite is possible.

fn main() {
    let x = 10;

        (defun add (x:i32 y:i32) i32 (+ x y))
        (print (add x 20))


  • Compile RISP code and execute it.


  • There is no need to use it outside of RISP code.
  • There is no need to use it outside of RISP code.