[][src]Macro command_macros::command

macro_rules! command {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => { ... };

Full-featured macro for creating Command

This macro is available only with the "nightly" feature enabled.

Please read the syntax description in the crate's documentation.


This example is not tested

extern crate command_macros;

use command_macros::command;

fn main() {
    command!(echo foo --bar ((2+2))=4).status().unwrap();
    // should echo: foo --bar 4=4


This is an experimental, nightly-only version of cmd! macro, so it might break with a nightly update from time to time. However, it uses a new proc_macro interface rather than compiler internals, so the breakage shouldn't occur too often.

In future, when the proc_macro interface is stabilized, this macro should work on stable without significant changes.