Macro combine::decode_tokio_02[][src]

macro_rules! decode_tokio_02 {
    ($decoder : expr, $read : expr, $parser : expr $(,) ?) => { ... };
    ($decoder : expr, $read : expr, $parser : expr, $input_stream : expr $(,) ?) => { ... };
    ($decoder : expr, $read : expr, $parser : expr, $input_stream : expr,
 $post_decode : expr $(,) ?) => { ... };
This is supported on crate feature tokio-02 only.
Expand description

Parses an instance of tokio::io::AsyncRead as a &[u8] without reading the entire file into memory.

This is defined as a macro to work around the lack of Higher Ranked Types. See the example for how to pass a parser to the macro (constructing parts of the parser outside of the decode! call is unlikely to work.

use futures::pin_mut;
use tokio::{

use combine::{decode_tokio_02, satisfy, skip_many1, many1, sep_end_by, Parser, stream::{Decoder, buf_reader::BufReader}};

async fn main() {
    let mut read = BufReader::new(File::open("").await.unwrap());
    let mut decoder = Decoder::new_bufferless();
    let is_whitespace = |b: u8| b == b' ' || b == b'\r' || b == b'\n';
                let word = many1(satisfy(|b| !is_whitespace(b)));
                sep_end_by(word, skip_many1(satisfy(is_whitespace))).map(|words: Vec<Vec<u8>>| words.len())
            |input, _position| combine::easy::Stream::from(input),
        ).map_err(combine::easy::Errors::<u8, &[u8], _>::from),