Type Definition collision::Line2 [] [src]

type Line2<S> = Line<S, Vector2<S>, Point2<S>>;

2D directed line segment

Trait Implementations

impl<S> Primitive for Line2<S> where
    S: BaseFloat

Point type


Get the support point on the shape in a given direction. Read more

impl<S> ComputeBound<Aabb2<S>> for Line2<S> where
    S: BaseFloat


Compute the bounding volume

impl<S> From<Line2<S>> for Primitive2<S>


Performs the conversion.

impl<S: BaseFloat> Discrete<Ray2<S>> for Line2<S>


Intersection test

impl<S: BaseFloat> Continuous<Ray2<S>> for Line2<S>

Result returned by the intersection test


Intersection test

impl<S: BaseFloat> Continuous<Line2<S>> for Ray2<S>

Determines if an intersection between a ray and a line segment is found.

Result returned by the intersection test


Intersection test

impl<S: BaseNum> Contains<Line2<S>> for Aabb2<S>


Containment test