Crate collectivity[][src]

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Generic collection traits. The crate contains definitions of various traits related to data collections, as well as their implementations for arrays, slices, and collection types from both the standard library and a selection of popular community crates.

The goal of this project is to provide useful abstractions for working with collections that allow for decoupling their implementation details from application logic. This can make data structures interchangeable, making it easier to fine-tune the performance characteristics of a program.

Most of the abstracted behaviors are already implemented by the underlying containers. In such cases, the provided trait implementations simply delegate to appropriate methods while standardizing argument and return types.

At this point, the crate should be considered experimental. It relies on the unstable generic_associated_types and associated_type_defaults features. The API might change repidly, but the project conforms to semver and no breaking API changes should be expected within a major release.



use collectivity::{nosafety::Insert, Len};
use std::{
  collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, VecDeque},

pub trait MyTraitSelection<K, V>: Insert<K, V> + Len {}

impl<K, V, C: Insert<K, V> + Len> MyTraitSelection<K, V> for C {}

fn main() {
  const N: usize = 10_000_000;
  let data = (0..N).map(|n| (n, n)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
  let collections: &mut [(&str, Box<dyn MyTraitSelection<_, _>>)] = &mut [
    ("Array", box [0_usize; N] as _),
    ("Vec", box vec![] as _),
    ("VecDeque", box VecDeque::new() as _),
    ("BTreeMap", box BTreeMap::new() as _),
    ("HashMap", box HashMap::new() as _),
  collections.iter_mut().for_each(|(name, c)| {
    let t = Instant::now();
    data.iter().for_each(|(k, v)| c.insert(*k, *v));
      "{:<10}: inserted in {:<15}, len: {}",
      format!("{:#?}", t.elapsed()),


Traits without safety information


Indicates a trait implementation may not panic

Indicates a trait implementation may panic


Insert error


Provides safe access to a value at a specified key.

Provides the ability to insert a provided value at a specified index, possibly overwriting the previous value.

Provides information about the number of entries in a collection.

Provides the ability to add a specified value to a collection.

Provides the ability to remove a value by key, potentially moving other items within the collection.

Groups types used to indicate whether a trait implementation may panic

Provides the ability to safely insert a provided value at a specified index, possibly overwriting the previous value.