[][src]Crate coi

Coi provides an easy to use dependency injection framework. Currently, this crate provides the following:

  • coi::Inject (trait) - a marker trait that indicates a trait is injectable, and that a struct can be used to implement those injectable traits.
  • coi::Provide - a trait that indicates a struct is capable of providing a specific implementation of some injectable trait. This is generated for you if you use the coi::Inject (derive) derive, but can also be written manually.
  • coi::Container - a container to manage the lifetime of all dependencies. This is still in its early stages, and currently only supports objects that are recreated with each request to resolve.
  • coi::ContainerBuilder - a builder for the above container to simplify construction and guarantee immutability after construction.


use async_std;
use coi::{ContainerBuilder, Inject};
use std::sync::Arc;

// Mark injectable traits by inheriting the `Inject` trait.
trait Trait1: Inject {
    fn describe(&self) -> &'static str;

// For structs that will provide the implementation of an injectable trait, derive `Inject`
// and specify which method will be used to inject which trait. The method can be any path.
// The arguments for the method are derived from fields marked with the attribute `#[inject]`
// (See Impl2 below).
// Currently, only one trait can be provided, but this will likely be expanded on in future
// versions of this crate.
#[provides(Trait1 with Impl1::new)]
struct Impl1;

// The method specified in Provides must return Self (might change in a future version of the
// crate), and must actually exist (it will not be generated for you).
impl Impl1 {
    fn new() -> Self {

// Don't forget to actually implement the trait ;).
impl Trait1 for Impl1 {
    fn describe(&self) -> &'static str {
        "I'm impl1!"

// Mark injectable traits by inheriting the `Inject` trait.
trait Trait2: Inject {
    fn deep_describe(&self) -> String;

// For structs that will provide the implementation of an injectable trait, derive `Inject`
// and specify which method will be used to inject which trait. The arguments for the method
// are derived from fields marked with the attribute `#[inject]` in the order they appear.
// Future versions of this crate might allow you to control the order of the args with
// parameters to the `#[inject]` attribute.
#[provides(Trait2 with Impl2::new)]
struct Impl2 {
    // The name of the field is important! It must match the name that's registered in the
    // container when the container is being built! This is similar to the behavior of
    // dependency injection libraries in other languages.
    trait1: Arc<dyn Trait1>,

// Implement the provider method
impl Impl2 {
    // Note: The param name here doesn't actually matter.
    fn new(trait1: Arc<dyn Trait1>) -> Self {
        Self { trait1 }

// Again, don't forget to actually implement the trait ;).
impl Trait2 for Impl2 {
    fn deep_describe(&self) -> String {
        format!("I'm impl2! and I have {}", self.trait1.describe())

// You might note that Container::resolve is async. This is to allow any provider to be async
// and since we don't know from the resolution perspective whether any provider will need to be
// async, they all have to be. This might be configurable through feature flags in a future
// version of the library.
async fn main() {
    // "Provider" structs are automatically generated through the `Inject` attribute. They
    // append `Provider` to the name of the struct that is being derive (make sure you don't
    // any structs with the same name or your code will fail to compile.
    // Reminder: Make sure you use the same key here as the field names of the structs that
    // require these impls.
    let container = ContainerBuilder::new()
        .register("trait1", Impl1Provider)
        .register("trait2", Impl2Provider)

    // Once the container is built, you can now resolve any particular instance by its key and
    // the trait it provides. This crate currently only supports `Arc<dyn Trait>`, but this may
    // be expanded in a future version of the crate.
    let trait2 = container
        // Note: Getting the key wrong will produce an error telling you which key in the
        // chain of dependencies caused the failure (future versions might provider a vec of
        // chain that lead to the failure). Getting the type wrong will only tell you which key
        // had the wrong type. This is because at runtime, we do not have any type information,
        // only unique ids (that change during each compilation).
        .resolve::<Arc<dyn Trait2>>("trait2")
        .expect("Should exist");
    println!("Deep description: {}", trait2.deep_describe());



A builder used to construct a Container





Type Definitions


Derive Macros
