Expand description

Coaly is a library for handling log and trace messages. Besides the usual levels indicating message severity it offers various formatting options and supports files, memory mapped files and remote servers over network as output resource. Advanced features are output buffering in main memory and configurable behaviour dependent on the location in the code. E.g. for one module or function all levels may be switched off, whereas for another messages of all levels are included in the output. The behaviour is entirely specified in a configuration file that is read once at application start and cannot be changed during runtime.


pub use errorhandling::CoalyException;


The local agent is the central trace and log management instance within a process.
Special collection types for Coaly.
Coaly configuration handling.
Common exceptions for all parts of Coaly.
Functionality needed by network resources and log/trace server.
Coaly observer types
Top level module for output handling.
Utility functions.


Raise an exception with severity error
Raise an exception with severity warning
Writes a log message with level alert.
Writes a log message with level critical.
Writes a trace message with level debug.
Writes a log message with level emergency.
Writes a log message with level error.
Traces a function’s boundaries. Writes immediately a record upon the entry of the function and another message upon leaving of the function using the drop method of the instantiated Coaly observer structure. Depending on the configuration, the system’s behaviour may change after the function entry. Function parameters can optionally be traced by additional arguments separated with a comma. Each argument value must be convertible to a string.
Writes a log message with level information.
Traces a module’s boundaries. Writes immediately a record upon the entry of the module and another message upon leaving of the module using the drop method of the instantiated Coaly observer structure. Depending on the configuration, the system’s behaviour may change after the module entry.
Writes a trace message with level notice.
Writes a log message concerning the specified application object. Object level is used for the message. The application object must implement the CoalyObservable trait.
Writes a log message with level warning.
Creates and returns an observer structure. Writes immediately an output record upon instantiation of the structure and another record upon drop. Depending on the configuration, the system’s behaviour may change after the structure instantiation.


Coaly observer structure. An observer structure is created upon entry of a function or during instantiation of a logging relevant user structure. An observer structure marks both beginning and end of a function or structure lifetime, it is the basis for output mode control.
Information about the originator of a log or trace message when sent to a remote server. Also used locally to replace variables used in record formats or file names with their actual values.


Record level ID enumeration. Used as key in record level table.



Initializes the system.
Terminates the system.

Type Definitions

Result type used throughout the library for error handling