Macro cmd_lib::run_cmd

source ยท
run_cmd!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Run commands, returning CmdResult to check status.

let msg = "I love rust";
run_cmd!(echo $msg)?;
run_cmd!(echo "This is the message: $msg")?;

// pipe commands are also supported
run_cmd!(du -ah . | sort -hr | head -n 10)?;

// or a group of commands
// if any command fails, just return Err(...)
let file = "/tmp/f";
let keyword = "rust";
if run_cmd! {
    cat ${file} | grep ${keyword};
    echo "bad cmd" >&2;
    ignore ls /nofile;
    ls oops;
    cat oops;
}.is_err() {
    // your error handling code