Crate cmap[][src]

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Package implement Concurrent hash map.

Quoting from Wikipedia:

A data structure is partially persistent if all versions can be accessed but only the newest version can be modified. The data structure is fully persistent if every version can be both accessed and modified. If there is also a meld or merge operation that can create a new version from two previous versions, the data structure is called confluently persistent. Structures that are not persistent are called ephemeral data structures.

This implementation of hash map cannot be strictly classified into either of the above definition. It supports concurrent writes, using atomic Load, Store and Cas operations under the hood, and does not provide point in time snapshot for transactional operations or iterative operations.

If point in time snapshots are needed refer to ppom package, that implement ordered map with multi-reader concurrency and serialised writes.

  • Each entry in Map instance correspond to a {Key, Value} pair.
  • Parametrised over key-type and value-type.
  • API - set(), get(), remove() using key.
  • Uses ownership model and borrow semantics to ensure safety.
  • Implement a custom epoch-based-garbage-collection to handle write concurrency and memory optimization.
  • No Durability guarantee.
  • Thread safe for both concurrent writes and concurrent reads.

Thread safety

As an optimization, creation of a Map instance requires the application to supply the level concurrency upfront. That is, if Map is going to be cloned N times for the life-time of the map, then concurrency level is N. Subsequently all access to the internal hash-map is serialized via atomic Load, Store and Cas operations.

Ownership and Cloning

Once Map instance is created, cloning is a cheap operation. Maps cloned from the same instances share their hash-trie data structure among its clones. Ownership rules adhere to rust ownership model and all access require mutable reference.

Application defined hashing

Parametrise Map type with H for application defined BuildHasher. This allows interesting and efficient hash-generation for application specific key-set.

This package define two off-the-self types implementing BuildHasher.

  • U32Hasher, for applications that are going to use u32 as key type and can guarantee unique keys (that is no collision guarantee).
  • DefaultHasher, as default hasher that internally uses google’s city-hash via fasthash package, this might change in future releases.


Short form to compose Error values.


Type uses google’s city hash to convert Hashable key into u32.

Map implement concurrent hash-map of key K and value V.

Type implement BuildHasher optimized for u32 key set.


Error variants that can be returned by this package’s API.

Type Definitions

Type alias for Result return type, used by this package.