Attribute Macro clust_macros::clust_tool

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A procedural macro that generates a clust::messages::Tool or clust::messages::AsyncTool implementation for the annotated function with documentation.

See also the official guide.

§Supported arguments

  • None
    • e.g. fn function() -> T
  • A type or types that implement(s) std::str::FromStr.
    • e.g.
      • fn function(arg1: u32) -> T
      • fn function(arg1: DefinedStruct) -> T where DefinedStruct implements std::str::FromStr.

§Supported return values

  • A type that implements std::fmt::Display.
    • e.g.
      • fn function() -> u32
      • fn function() -> DefinedStruct where DefinedStruct implements std::fmt::Display.
  • Result<T, E> where T and E implement std::fmt::Display.
    • e.g.
      • fn function() -> Result<u32, Error>
      • fn function() -> Result<DefinedStruct, Error> where DefinedStruct and Error implement std::fmt::Display.

§Supported executions

  • Synchronous -> implement clust::messages::Tool
    • e.g. fn function() -> T
  • Asynchronous -> implement clust::messages::AsyncTool
    • e.g. async fn function() -> T

§Supported documentation formats

  1. Description block for the function at the top of document.
  2. Arguments block for the function with
  • header: # Arguments, ## Arguments, # Parameters or ## Parameters.
  • listed items: - arg1 - Description for the argument or * arg1 - Description for the argument.
  1. Other blocks are ignored.
/// Description for the function.
/// ## Arguments
/// - `arg1` - Description for the argument.
fn function(arg1: i32) -> i32 { arg1 }


Implement a tool by clust_tool for a function with documentation:

use clust_macros::clust_tool;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use clust::messages::{FunctionCalls, Invoke, Tool};

/// Increments the argument by 1.
/// ## Arguments
/// - `value` - Target value.
fn incrementer(value: i32) -> i32 {
   value + 1

let tool = ClustTool_incrementer {};

let description = tool.description();

let function_calls = FunctionCalls {
    invoke: Invoke {
        tool_name: String::from("incrementer"),
        parameters: BTreeMap::from_iter(vec![(

let result =;

Generated XML tool description from above implementation is as follows:

  <description>Increments the argument by 1.</description>
      <description>Target value.</description>

This tool can be called with a function calls as following XML format:


Calling result is as following XML format:
