Expand description

Installation and subsequent safe removal of flock locks for data streams.


  1. Exclusive LockFile
use cluFlock::ToFlock;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;

fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
	let file_lock = File::create("./file")?.wait_exclusive_lock()?;
	println!("{:?}", file_lock);
	Ok( () )
  1. Exclusive LockFile (FnOnce)
use std::io::Write;
use cluFlock::ToFlock;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;

fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
		// valid exclusive lock
		|mut file| write!(file, "Test."), // result: Ok(usize)/Err(std::io::Error)
		// invalid lock
		|err| Err(err.into_err()) // into_err: FlockErr -> std::io::Error
  1. Exclusive LockFile (&File)
use cluFlock::ExclusiveFlock;
use std::fs::File;

fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
	let file = File::create("./file")?;
		let file_lock = ExclusiveFlock::wait_lock(&file)?;
		// file_lock, type: FlockLock<&File>

		println!("{:?}", file_lock);
	} // auto unlock ExclusiveFlock


	Ok( () )
  1. Shared LockFile (&File)
use std::fs::File;
use cluFlock::SharedFlock;
use std::io;

fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
	let file = File::create("./test_file")?;
	let shared = SharedFlock::wait_lock(&file);
	println!("#1shared {:?}", shared);
	let shared2 = SharedFlock::try_lock(&file);
	println!("#2shared {:?}", shared2);
	assert_eq!(shared.is_ok(), true);
	assert_eq!(shared2.is_ok(), true);
	// manual or automatic unlock SharedFlock_x2
	// drop(shared);
	// drop(shared2);
	Ok( () )

Support of platforms:

  1. Unix, Linux: Full support: SharedFlock (Wait, Try), ExclusiveFlock (Wait, Try), Unlock (Wait, Try).
  2. Windows: Full support: SharedFlock (Wait, Try), ExclusiveFlock (Wait, Try), Unlock (Wait, !Try). Unlock Try is not implemented and is considered additional unsafe functionality.

Features of platforms:

  1. Unix, Linux: The flock system call only works between processes, there are no locks inside the process.
  2. Windows: System calls (LockFileEx UnlockFileEx) work between processes and within the current process. If you use Shared and Exclusive locks, you can lock yourself in the same process.


Copyright 2021 #UlinProject Denis Kotlyarov (Денис Котляров)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0


FlockElement is required to implement additional Flock locks.

Error structures used in cluFlock methods.


Type for securely creating and securely managing ‘flock’ locks.


Set exclusive lock. Only one process can hold a data flow lock.

Set common lock, common locks can be many. An exclusive lock will wait for all shared locks to complete.

Convenient conversion of previously used values ​​to cluFlock.