[][src]Crate cloudsctl


cloudsctl (pronounced "cloud skittle") allows the user to modify their OpenStack configuration (clouds.yaml, secure.yaml and clouds-public.yaml files) with a CLI.

cloudsctl can also inject cloud variables from clouds.yaml, secure.yaml and clouds-public.yaml into the environment and run a command. This allows you to keep all your cloud configuration in one place and get rid of any Openstack RC files you might have lying around.


Create a profile

$ cloudsctl profile create --auth-url https://my-cloud.domain.tld:5000/v3 my-profile

This will create an OpenStack profile called my-profile in your clouds-public.yaml file.

Show a profile

$ cloudsctl profile show my-profile

This will show you the profile my-profile

List profiles

$ cloudsctl profile list

This will list all profiles in clouds-public.yaml

Delete a profile

$ cloudsctl profile delete my-profile

This will delete the profile called my-profile from clouds-public.yaml

Set profile settings

$ cloudsctl profile set --auth-url https://new-api:5000/v3 my-profile

This will change the auth-url for the profile my-profile to https://new-api:5000/v3 in clouds-public.yaml.

Run cloudsctl profile set --help to see all the settings that you can change for a profile.

Create a cloud

$ cloudsctl cloud create --username my-user --password-prompt --profile my-profile my-cloud

This will:

  • create a cloud named my-cloud in clouds.yaml that uses the my-profile profile from clouds-public.yaml
  • put your password in secure.yaml

Show a cloud

$ cloudsctl cloud show my-cloud

This will show you the cloud my-cloud.

List clouds

$ cloudsctl cloud list

This will list all clouds in clouds.yaml

Delete a cloud

$ cloudsctl cloud delete my-cloud

This will delete the cloud called my-cloud from clouds.yaml

Set cloud settings

$ cloudsctl cloud set --auth-url https://new-api:5000/v3 my-cloud

This will change the auth-url for the cloud my-cloud to https://new-api:5000/v3 in clouds.yaml.

Run cloudsctl cloud set --help to see all the settings that you can change for a cloud.

Inject cloud variables from configuration files into environment and run command.

$ cloudsctl cloud create --username my-user --password-prompt --project-name my-project --profile my-profile my-cloud
$ cloudsctl env my-cloud bash
$ env|grep OS_

bash is the default command and could have been omitted in the command above.

I like to keep an alias called oscloud like this:

$ alias oscloud='cloudsctl env'
$ oscloud my-cloud
$ openstack server list

Shell completion

Thanks to clap, cloudsctl supports shell completion for bash, zsh, fish and elvish.

$ cloudsctl completion bash

A completion file will be generated in the current directory.



Models for OpenStack configuration.


