Crate clipline

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Efficient rasterization of line segments with pixel-perfect clipping.


  • Provides iterators for clipped and unclipped rasterized line segments.
    • Eliminates bounds checking: clipped line segments are guaranteed to be within the region.
    • Guarantees clipped line segments match the unclipped versions of themselves.
  • Supports signed and unsigned integer coordinates of most sizes.
    • Uses integer arithmetic only.
    • Prevents overflow and division by zero, forbids clippy::arithmetic_side_effects.
    • Defines the iterators on the entire domains of the underlying numeric types.
  • Usable in const contexts and #![no_std] environments.


§Octant iterators

For an arbitrary line segment, use the AnyOctant iterator, which determines the type of the line segment at runtime and handles it with a specialized iterator.

If you know more about the line segment, you can use an iterator from the axis-aligned or diagonal families (more below), or the generic Octant backed by one of the eight cases of Bresenham’s algorithm:

  • Octant0: x and y both increase, x changes faster than y.
  • Octant1: x increases and y decreases, y changes faster than x.
  • Octant2: x decreases and y increases, x changes faster than y.
  • Octant3: x and y both decrease, y changes faster than x.
  • Octant4: x and y both increase, x changes faster than y.
  • Octant5: x increases and y decreases, y changes faster than x.
  • Octant6: x decreases and y increases, x changes faster than y.
  • Octant7: x and y both decrease, y changes faster than x.

§Axis-aligned iterators

For an arbitrary axis-aligned line segment, use the AnyAxis iterator, which determines both the axis-alignment and direction at runtime.

If you know the axis-alignment of the line segment but not the direction, use the generic Axis iterator, or one of its type aliases:

  • Axis0: horizontal, runtime direction.
  • Axis1: vertical, runtime direction.

If you also know the direction, use the generic SignedAxis iterator, or one of its type aliases:

§Diagonal iterators

For an arbitrary diagonal line segment, use the AnyDiagonal iterator, which determines the orientation at runtime.

If you know the orientation, use the generic Diagonal iterator, or one of its type aliases:


use clipline::{AnyOctant, Clip, Diagonal0, Point};

/// Width of the pixel buffer.
const WIDTH: usize = 64;
/// Height of the pixel buffer.
const HEIGHT: usize = 48;

/// Pixel color value.
const RGBA: u32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;

/// A function that operates on a single pixel in a pixel buffer.
/// ## Safety
/// `(x, y)` must be inside the `buffer`.
unsafe fn draw(buffer: &mut [u32], (x, y): Point<i8>, rgba: u32) {
    let index = y as usize * WIDTH + x as usize;
    debug_assert!(index < buffer.len());
    *buffer.get_unchecked_mut(index) = rgba;

fn main() {
    let mut buffer = [0_u32; WIDTH * HEIGHT];

    // The clipping region is closed/inclusive, thus 1 needs to be subtracted from the size.
    let clip = Clip::<i8>::new((0, 0), (WIDTH as i8 - 1, HEIGHT as i8 - 1)).unwrap();

    // `Clip` has convenience methods for the general iterators.
    clip.any_octant((-128, -100), (100, 80))
        // None if the line segment is completely invisible.
        // You might want to handle that case differently.
        // clipped to [(0, 1), ..., (58, 47)]
        .for_each(|xy| {
            // SAFETY: (x, y) has been clipped to the buffer.
            unsafe { draw(&mut buffer, xy, RGBA) }

    // Alternatively, use the iterator constructors.
    AnyOctant::<i8>::clip((12, 0), (87, 23), &clip)
        // clipped to [(12, 0), ..., (63, 16)]
        .for_each(|xy| {
            // SAFETY: (x, y) has been clipped to the buffer.
            unsafe { draw(&mut buffer, xy, RGBA) }

    // Horizontal and vertical line segments.
    clip.axis_0(32, 76, -23)
        // clipped to [(63, 32), ..., (0, 32)]
        .for_each(|xy| {
            // SAFETY: (x, y) has been clipped to the buffer.
            unsafe { draw(&mut buffer, xy, RGBA) }

    clip.axis_1(32, -23, 76)
        // clipped to [(32, 0), ..., (32, 47)]
        .for_each(|xy| {
            // SAFETY: (x, y) has been clipped to the buffer.
            unsafe { draw(&mut buffer, xy, RGBA) }

    // Unclipped iterators are also available.
    // (-2, -2) -> (12, 12) is covered by Diagonal0, we can construct it directly.
    Diagonal0::<i8>::new((-2, -2), (12, 12))
        // Need to check every pixel to avoid going out of bounds.
        .filter(|&xy| clip.point(xy))
        .for_each(|xy| {
            // SAFETY: (x, y) is inside the buffer.
            unsafe { draw(&mut buffer, xy, RGBA) }


  • To support usage in const contexts, types must have an inherent implementation for every supported numeric type instead of relying on a trait. This and Rust’s lack of support for function overloading means that the numeric type parameter must always be specified.
  • Currently, only half-open line segments can be iterated. This allows ExactSizeIterator to be implemented for all types. Inclusive iterators are tracked in #1.

§Feature flags


clipline is inspired by the following papers:


  • A rectangular region defined by its minimum and maximum corners.
  • Iterator over a diagonal line segment in the given quadrant.
  • Iterator over a line segment in the given octant, backed by one of the eight cases of Bresenham’s algorithm.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the given signed axis.


  • Iterator over a horizontal or vertical line segment, with the axis-alignment and direction determined at runtime.
  • Iterator over any diagonal line segment, with the orientation determined at runtime.
  • Iterator over an arbitrary line segment.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the given axis, with the direction determined at runtime.

Type Aliases§

  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the horizontal axis, with the direction determined at runtime.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the vertical axis, with the direction determined at runtime.
  • Iterator over a diagonal line segment in the quadrant where x and y both increase.
  • Iterator over a diagonal line segment in the quadrant where x increases and y decreases.
  • Iterator over a diagonal line segment in the quadrant where x decreases and y increases.
  • Iterator over a diagonal line segment in the quadrant where x and y both decrease.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the given negative signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the negative horizontal signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the negative vertical signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x and y both increase, with x changing faster than y (gentle slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x and y both increase, with y changing faster than x (steep slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x increases and y decreases, with x changing faster than y (gentle slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x increases and y decreases, with y changing faster than x (steep slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x decreases and y increases, with x changing faster than y (gentle slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x decreases and y increases, with y changing faster than x (steep slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x and y both decrease, with x changing faster than y (gentle slope).
  • Iterator over a line segment in the octant where x and y both decrease, with y changing faster than x (steep slope).
  • A generic 2D point.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the given positive signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the positive horizontal signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the positive vertical signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the given horizontal signed axis.
  • Iterator over a line segment aligned to the given vertical signed axis.