Expand description

This crate provide simple means to operate with Windows clipboard.

Note keeping Clipboard around:

In Windows Clipboard opens globally and only one application can set data onto format at the time.

Therefore as soon as operations are finished, user is advised to close Clipboard.


  • std - Enables usage of std, including std::error::Error trait.


All read and write access to Windows clipboard requires user to open it.



Library provides various extractors from clipboard to particular format using Getter:

  • RawData - Reads raw bytes from specified format.
  • Unicode - Reads unicode string from clipboard.
  • Bitmap - Reads RGB data of image on clipboard.
  • FileList - Reads list of files from clipboard.

Depending on format, getter can extract data into various data types.


Library provides various setters onto clipboard by using Setter:

  • RawData - Writes raw bytes onto specified format.
  • Unicode - Writes unicode string onto clipboard.
  • Bitmap - Writes RGB data of image on clipboard.

Default setters are generic over type allowing anything that can be referenced as byte slice or str

Manually lock clipboard

use clipboard_win::{Clipboard, formats, Getter, Setter};

const SAMPLE: &str = "MY loli sample ^^";

let _clip = Clipboard::new_attempts(10).expect("Open clipboard");
formats::Unicode.write_clipboard(&SAMPLE).expect("Write sample");

let mut output = String::new();

assert_eq!(formats::Unicode.read_clipboard(&mut output).expect("Read sample"), SAMPLE.len());
assert_eq!(output, SAMPLE);

//Efficiently re-use buffer ;)
assert_eq!(formats::Unicode.read_clipboard(&mut output).expect("Read sample"), SAMPLE.len());
assert_eq!(output, SAMPLE);

//Or take the same string twice?
assert_eq!(formats::Unicode.read_clipboard(&mut output).expect("Read sample"), SAMPLE.len());
assert_eq!(format!("{0}{0}", SAMPLE), output);

Simplified API

use clipboard_win::{formats, get_clipboard, set_clipboard};

let text = "my sample ><";

set_clipboard(formats::Unicode, text).expect("To set clipboard");
//Type is necessary as string can be stored in various storages
let result: String = get_clipboard(formats::Unicode).expect("To set clipboard");
assert_eq!(result, text)


pub use raw::get_owner;
pub use raw::empty;
pub use raw::seq_num;
pub use raw::size;
pub use raw::is_format_avail;
pub use raw::register_format;
pub use raw::count_formats;
pub use raw::EnumFormats;
pub use formats::Unicode;


Standard clipboard formats.

Raw bindings to Windows clipboard.


Clipboard instance, which allows to perform clipboard ops.


Describes format getter, specifying data type as type param

Describes format setter, specifying data type as type param


Retrieve data from clipboard.

Shortcut to retrieve data from clipboard.

Shortcut to retrieve string from clipboard.

Set data onto clipboard.

Shortcut to set data onto clipboard.

Shortcut to set string onto clipboard.

Runs provided callable with open clipboard, returning whether clipboard was open successfully.

Runs provided callable with open clipboard, returning whether clipboard was open successfully.

Type Definitions

Alias to result used by this crate

Alias to System error code