Expand description

Assertion macros.

This crate provides additional assert macros to make testing a bit easier.

#![no_std] support

claims can be used in a no-std environments too.

Available macros

Note that same to core/std macros, all macros in this crate has the debug_* counterparts.


Assertions similar to assert_eq or assert_ne:


Result macros

Assertions for Result variants:

Option macros

Assertions for Option variants:

Poll macros

Assertions for Poll variants:


Asserts that expression returns Err(E) variant.

Asserts that first expression is greater or equal than the second.

Asserts that first expression is greater than the second.

Asserts that first expression is less or equal than the second.

Asserts that first expression is less than the second.

Asserts that expression matches any of the given variants.

Asserts that expression returns None variant.

Asserts that expression returns Ok(T) variant.

Asserts that expression returns Ok(T) variant and its value of T type equals to the right expression.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Pending variant.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Ready(T) variant.

Asserts that left expression returns [Poll::Ready(T)] variant and its value of T type equals to the right expression.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Ready(Err(E)) variant.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Ready(Ok(T)) variant.

Asserts that expression returns Some(T) variant.

Asserts that left expression returns Some(T) variant and its value of T type equals to the right expression.

Asserts that expression returns Err(E) variant in runtime.

Asserts that first expression is greater or equal than the second in runtime.

Asserts that first expression is greater than the second in runtime.

Asserts that first expression is less or equal than the second in runtime.

Asserts that first expression is less than the second in runtime.

Asserts that expression matches any of the given variants.

Asserts that expression returns None variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Ok(T) variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Ok(T) variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Pending variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Ready(T) variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Ready(Err(E)) variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Poll::Ready(Ok(T)) variant in runtime.

Asserts that left expression returns [Poll::Ready(T)] variant and its value of T type equals to the right expression in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Some(T) variant in runtime.

Asserts that expression returns Some(T) variant in runtime.