Macro ckb_std::debug

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macro_rules! debug {
    ($fmt:literal) => { ... };
    ($fmt:literal, $($args:expr),+) => { ... };
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debug macro

Output a debug message.

This macro only compiled under debug build and does nothing in release build. To debug the release build, include --cfg debug_assertions in the environment variable RUSTFLAGS before calling cargo build. For example:

RUSTFLAGS="--cfg debug_assertions" cargo build --release --target=riscv64imac-unknown-none-elf

For users of Capsule, the debug macro can be enabled in the release build by running capsule build --release --debug-output.

Notice: to see the debug output, you must turn on ckb_script debugging log in the CKB node configuration like this:

filter = "info,ckb-script=debug"

See the essay on more Tips for Debugging CKB Scripts.


debug!("hello world");
debug!("there is a universal error caused by {}", 42);