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Wrappers for JSON serialization.


An alert is a message about critical problems to be broadcast to all nodes via the p2p network.
An alert sent by RPC send_alert.
A banned P2P address.
The JSON view of a Block used as a parameter in the RPC.
Block Economic State.
Block base rewards.
A block template for miners.
The JSON view of a Block including header and body.
Fixed-length 32 bytes binary encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.
The cell data content and hash.
The cell dependency of a transaction.
The JSON view of a cell combining the fields in cell output and cell data.
The input cell of a transaction.
The fields of an output cell except the cell data.
The JSON view of a cell with its status information.
The cellbase transaction template of the new block for miners.
Chain information.
Consensus defines various parameters that influence chain consensus
An object containing various state info regarding deployments of consensus changes
Chain information.
Response result of the RPC method dry_run_transaction.
JSON view of an epoch.
Runtime logger config for extra loggers.
Serialize and Deserialize implementations for FeeRate
The information about one hardfork feature.
The block header.
The JSON view of a Header.
Live cell
Cells capacity
IndexerPagination wraps objects array and last_cursor to provide paging
A array represent (half-open) range bounded inclusively below and exclusively above [start, end).
SearchKey represent indexer support params
IndexerSearchKeyFilter represent indexer params filter
Indexer tip information
Ungrouped Tx inner type
Grouped Tx inner type
Variable-length binary encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.
The information of the node itself.
The information of a P2P protocol that is supported by the local node.
Runtime logger config.
Proof of CKB Merkle Tree.
Block rewards for miners.
Node P2P address and score.
Reference to a cell via transaction hash and output index.
The chain synchronization state between the local node and a remote node.
The transaction entry in the pool.
The 10-byte fixed-length binary encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.
Two protocol parameters closest and farthest define the closest and farthest on-chain distance between a transaction’s proposal and commitment.
Information of a remote node.
The information about an active running protocol.
This is a wrapper for JSON serialization to select the format between Json and Hex.
Describes the lock script and type script for a cell.
The overall chain synchronization state of this local node.
The transaction.
Merkle proof for transactions in a block.
Transaction template which is ready to be committed in the new block.
The JSON view of a Transaction.
The JSON view of a transaction as well as its status.
Tx-pool entries object
Transaction entry info
Array of transaction ids
Transaction pool information.
Transaction status and the block hash if it is committed.
The uncle block used as a parameter in the RPC.
The uncle block.
The uncle block template of the new block for miners.


An enum to represent the two kinds of dao withdrawal amount calculation option. DaoWithdrawingCalculationKind is equivalent to H256 | OutPoint.
The dep cell type. Allowed values: “code” and “dep_group”.
Deployment name
The possible softfork deployment state
The enum Either with variants Left and Right is a general purpose sum type with two cases.
Order Desc | Asc
ScriptType Lock | Type
Indexer Transaction Object
Transaction output validators that prevent common mistakes.
TX reject message
All transactions in tx-pool.
The enum ResponseFormatInnerType with variants Json and Hex is is used to supply a format choice for the format of ResponseFormatResponse.transaction
Specifies how the script code_hash is used to match the script code and how to run the code.
Status for transaction
Specifies the topic which to be added as active subscription.


This trait is a restriction for type Uint64, so we can only get epoch_number, epoch_index and epoch_length from the type EpochNumberWithFraction instead of all Uint64
A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.
A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.

Type Definitions

The alert identifier that is used to filter duplicated alerts.
Alerts are sorted by priority. Greater integers mean higher priorities.
Consecutive block number starting from 0.
The capacity of a cell is the value of the cell in Shannons. It is also the upper limit of the cell occupied storage size where every 100,000,000 Shannons give 1-byte storage.
Count of cycles consumed by CKB VM to run scripts.
Consecutive epoch number starting from 0.
The epoch indicator of a block. It shows which epoch the block is in, and the elapsed epoch fraction after adding this block.
The Unix timestamp in milliseconds (1 second is 1000 milliseconds).
The 32-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.
The 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.
The 128-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.
The simple increasing integer version.

Derive Macros