Struct cipher_crypt::fractionated_morse::FractionatedMorse[][src]

pub struct FractionatedMorse { /* fields omitted */ }

A Fractionated Morse cipher.

This struct is created by the new() method. See its documentation for more.

Trait Implementations

impl Cipher for FractionatedMorse

Initialise a Fractionated Morse cipher given a specific key.

Will return Err if the key contains non-alphabetic symbols or is empty.

Encrypt a message using a Fractionated Morse cipher.

Morse code supports the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and the special characters @ ( ) . , : ' " ! ? - ; =. This function will return Err if the message contains any symbols that do not meet this criteria. As morse code does not preserve case, all messages will be transposed to uppercase automatically.


Basic usage:

use cipher_crypt::{Cipher, FractionatedMorse};

let fm = FractionatedMorse::new(String::from("key")).unwrap();
assert_eq!("CPSUJISWHSSPFANR", fm.encrypt("AttackAtDawn!").unwrap());

Decrypt a message using a Fractionated Morse cipher.

The Fractionated Morse alphabet only contains the normal alphabetic characters a-z, therefore this function will return Err if the message contains any non-alphabetic characters. Furthermore, it is possible that a purely alphabetic message will not produce valid Morse code, in which case an Err will again be returned.


Basic usage:

use cipher_crypt::{Cipher, FractionatedMorse};

let fm = FractionatedMorse::new(String::from("key")).unwrap();
assert_eq!("ATTACKATDAWN!", fm.decrypt("cpsujiswhsspfanr").unwrap());

Auto Trait Implementations