
Represents a binary type as defined in the CDP protocol.

Identifier for a request send to the chromium server

A received Event from the websocket where the params is deserialized as json

A generic, successful, response of a request where the result has been serialized into the Command::Response type.

Represents the error type emitted by the chromium server for failed requests.

A Request sent by the client, identified by the id

A Wrapper for json serialized requests

A response to a MethodCall from the chromium instance

A response can either contain the Command::Response type in the result field of the payload or an Error in the error field if the request resulted in an error.


An incoming message read from the web socket can either be a response to a previously submitted Request, identified by an identifier id, or an Event emitted by the server.


Trait that all the request types have to implement.

A trait that mark

Methods are message types that contain the field method = Self::identifier() in their json body.

A trait that identifies a method on type level

Type Definitions

Represents the successfully deserialization of an incoming response.