Crate chromadb

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ChromaDB client library for Rust.

The library provides 2 modules to interact with the ChromaDB server via API V1:

  • client - To interface with the ChromaDB server.
  • collection - To interface with an associated ChromaDB collection.

§Instantiating ChromaClient

use chromadb::v1::client::{ChromaClient, ChromaClientOptions};
use chromadb::v1::collection::{ChromaCollection, GetResult, GetOptions};
use serde_json::json;

// With default ChromaClientOptions
// Defaults to http://localhost:8000
let client: ChromaClient = ChromaClient::new(Default::default());

// With custom ChromaClientOptions
let client: ChromaClient = ChromaClient::new(ChromaClientOptions { url: "<CHROMADB_URL>".into() });

Now that a client is instantiated, we can interface with the ChromaDB server and execute queries.

§Collection Queries

// Get or create a collection with the given name and no metadata.
let collection: ChromaCollection = client.get_or_create_collection("my_collection", None)?;

// Get the UUID of the collection
let collection_uuid =;
println!("Collection UUID: {}", collection_uuid);

// Upsert some embeddings with documents and no metadata.
let collection_entries = CollectionEntries {
   ids: vec!["demo-id-1", "demo-id-2"],
   embeddings: Some(vec![vec![0.0_f32; 768], vec![0.0_f32; 768]]),
   metadatas: None,
   documents: Some(vec![
       "Some document about 9 octopus recipies",
       "Some other document about DCEU Superman Vs CW Superman"

let result: bool = collection.upsert(collection_entries, None)?;

// Create a filter object to filter by document content.
let where_document = json!({
   "$contains": "Superman"

// Get embeddings from a collection with filters and limit set to 1.
// An empty IDs vec will return all embeddings.

let get_query = GetOptions {
    ids: vec![],
    where_metadata: None,
    limit: Some(1),
    offset: None,
    where_document: Some(where_document),
    include: Some(vec!["documents".into(),"embeddings".into()])

let get_result: GetResult = collection.get(get_query)?;
println!("Get result: {:?}", get_result);

Find more information about on the available filters and options in the get() documentation.

//Instantiate QueryOptions to perform a similarity search on the collection
//Alternatively, an embedding_function can also be provided with query_texts to perform the search
let query = QueryOptions {
    query_texts: None,
    query_embeddings: Some(vec![vec![0.0_f32; 768], vec![0.0_f32; 768]]),
    where_metadata: None,
    where_document: None,
    n_results: Some(5),
    include: None,

let query_result: QueryResult = collection.query(query, None)?;
println!("Query result: {:?}", query_result);

§Support for Embedding providers

This crate has built-in support for OpenAI and SBERT embeddings.

To use OpenAI embeddings, enable the openai feature in your Cargo.toml.

let collection: ChromaCollection = client.get_or_create_collection("openai_collection", None)?;

let collection_entries = CollectionEntries {
  ids: vec!["demo-id-1", "demo-id-2"],
  embeddings: None,
  metadatas: None,
  documents: Some(vec![
           "Some document about 9 octopus recipies",
           "Some other document about DCEU Superman Vs CW Superman"])

// Use OpenAI embeddings
let openai_embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings::new(Default::default());
collection.upsert(collection_entries, Some(Box::new(openai_embeddings)))?;

To use SBERT embeddings, enable the bert feature in your Cargo.toml.

let collection: ChromaCollection = client.get_or_create_collection("sbert_collection", None)?;

let collection_entries = CollectionEntries {
  ids: vec!["demo-id-1", "demo-id-2"],
  embeddings: None,
  metadatas: None,
  documents: Some(vec![
           "Some document about 9 octopus recipies",
           "Some other document about DCEU Superman Vs CW Superman"])

// Use SBERT embeddings
let sbert_embeddings = SentenceEmbeddingsBuilder::remote(

collection.upsert(collection_entries, Some(Box::new(sbert_embeddings)))?;
