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A file abstraction system for Rust

Chicon is a library intends to provide a simple, uniform and universal API interacting with any filesystem, as an abstraction layer providing traits, types and methods. otherwise link to an installed copy.

The main FileSystem trait is based on the usage of std::fs::* in order to be transparent when you want to switch from a physical filesystem to a virtual filesystem like S3, SFTP, SSH, in-memory.

Memory file system can be appropriate when you write your tests in order to have faster behavior than an IO filesystem.

It is suitable for any situation when you need to store directories and files on different filesystems.


Use S3 as backend to create a file

use std::io::prelude::*;

use chicon::{DirEntry, File, FileSystem, S3FileSystem};

let s3_fs = S3FileSystem::new(
     String::from(""), // endpoint
let mut file = s3_fs.create_file("test.test").unwrap()

file.write_all(String::from("here is a test").as_bytes()).unwrap();

let mut content: String = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap();
assert_eq!(content, String::from("here is a test"));

s3_fs.remove_file("test.test").unwrap(); // If you want to delete the file

Use SFTP as backend to create a file

You just need to change from S3FileSystem::new to SFTPFileSystem::new.

use std::io::prelude::*;

use chicon::{DirEntry, File, FileSystem, SFTPFileSystem};

let sftp_fs = SFTPFileSystem::new(
    String::from(""), // host:port
    String::from("foo"), // user
    None, // Some("passphrase") if you have a passphrase configured on your ssh key
    "/Users/foo/.ssh/my_private_key", // ABSOLUTE path to private key
    "/Users/foo/.ssh/my_public_key.pub" // ABSOLUTE path to public key
let mut file = sftp_fs.create_file("test.test").unwrap()

file.write_all(String::from("here is a test").as_bytes()).unwrap();

let mut content: String = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap();
assert_eq!(content, String::from("here is a test"));

Use SSH as backend to read a file

use std::io::prelude::*;

use chicon::{DirEntry, File, FileSystem, SSHFileSystem};

let ssh_fs = SSHFileSystem::new(
    String::from(""), // host:port
    String::from("foo"), // user
    None, // Some("passphrase") if you have a passphrase configured on your ssh key
    "/Users/foo/.ssh/my_private_key", // ABSOLUTE path to private key
    "/Users/foo/.ssh/my_public_key.pub" // ABSOLUTE path to public key
let mut file = ssh_fs.open_file("share/myfile.txt").unwrap();
let mut buffer = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();

println!("Here is the content of your file: {}", buffer);

Use OS (local filesystem) as backend to create and read a directory

use std::io::prelude::*;

use chicon::{DirEntry, File, FileType, FileSystem, OsFileSystem};

let os_fs = OsFileSystem::new();

let dir_entries = os_fs.read_dir("testreaddir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(dir_entries.len(), 2)

std::fs::remove_dir_all("testreaddir").unwrap(); // If you want to remove dir and all entries inside

If you need more examples, check-out all tests in the source code on GitHub


Structure representing a directory on an in memory filesystem
Structure implementing File trait to represent a file on an in memory filesystem
Structure implementing FileSystem trait to store on an in memory filesystem
Structure implementing DirEntry trait to represent an entry in a directory on a local filesystem
Structure implementing File trait to represent a file on a local filesystem
Structure implementing FileSystem trait to store on a local filesystem
Structure implementing DirEntry trait to represent an entry in a directory on an Amazon S3 API compliant
Structure implementing File trait to represent a file on an Amazon S3 API compliant
Structure implementing FileSystem trait to store on an Amazon S3 API compliant
Structure implementing DirEntry trait to represent an entry in a directory on a SFTP server
Structure implementing File trait to represent a file on a SFTP server
Structure implementing FileSystem trait to store on a SFTP server
Structure implementing DirEntry trait to represent an entry in a directory on a SSH server
Structure implementing File trait to represent a file on a SSH server (via scp)
Structure implementing FileSystem trait to store on a SSH server (via scp)


Possible errors which can occured during execution
Possible file type when you fetch directory entries
Structure implementing DirEntry trait to represent an entry in a directory on an in memory filesystem


Trait that represent a directory entry inside our FileSystem. Associated type DirEntry in our FileSystem trait must implement this trait.
Trait that represent a file inside our FileSystem. Associated type File in our FileSystem trait must implement this trait.
The FileSystem trait needs to be implemented if you want a fully available abstract filesystem. For now we have few implementations as OSFileSystem, S3FileSystem, SFTPFileSystem, SSHFileSystem, MemFileSystem