[][src]Struct chess::Board

pub struct Board { /* fields omitted */ }

A representation of a chess board. That's why you're here, right?


impl Board

pub fn from_fen(fen: String) -> Option<Board>

Construct a board from a FEN string.

use chess::Board;

let init_position = Board::from_fen("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1".to_owned()).expect("Valid FEN");
assert_eq!(init_position, Board::default());

pub fn enumerate_moves(&self, moves: &mut [ChessMove; 256]) -> usize

Deprecating in 3.0.0:

please use the MoveGen structure instead. It is faster and more idiomatic.

pub fn status(&self) -> BoardStatus

Is this game Ongoing, is it Stalemate, or is it Checkmate?

use chess::{Board, BoardStatus, Square, Rank, File, ChessMove};

let mut board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);

board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::E),
                                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::E),

assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);

board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::F),
                                           Square::make_square(Rank::Sixth, File::F),

assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);

board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
                                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),

assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);

board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::G),
                                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::G),

assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);

board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::D),
                                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::H),

assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Checkmate);

Important traits for BitBoard
pub fn combined(&self) -> &BitBoard

Grab the "combined" BitBoard. This is a BitBoard with every piece.

use chess::{Board, BitBoard, Rank, get_rank};

let board = Board::default();

let combined_should_be = get_rank(Rank::First) |
                         get_rank(Rank::Second) |
                         get_rank(Rank::Seventh) |

assert_eq!(*board.combined(), combined_should_be);

Important traits for BitBoard
pub fn color_combined(&self, color: Color) -> &BitBoard

Grab the "color combined" BitBoard. This is a BitBoard with every piece of a particular color.

use chess::{Board, BitBoard, Rank, get_rank, Color};

let board = Board::default();

let white_pieces = get_rank(Rank::First) |

let black_pieces = get_rank(Rank::Seventh) |

assert_eq!(*board.color_combined(Color::White), white_pieces);
assert_eq!(*board.color_combined(Color::Black), black_pieces);

pub fn king_square(&self, color: Color) -> Square

Give me the Square the color king is on.

use chess::{Board, Square, Color, Rank, File};

let board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(board.king_square(Color::White), Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::E));
assert_eq!(board.king_square(Color::Black), Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::E));

Important traits for BitBoard
pub fn pieces(&self, piece: Piece) -> &BitBoard

Grab the "pieces" BitBoard. This is a BitBoard with every piece of a particular type.

use chess::{Board, BitBoard, Piece, Square, Rank, File};

// The rooks should be in each corner of the board
let rooks = BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A)) |
            BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::H)) |
            BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::A)) |
            BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::H));

let board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(*board.pieces(Piece::Rook), rooks);

pub fn castle_rights(&self, color: Color) -> CastleRights

Grab the CastleRights for a particular side.

use chess::{Board, Square, Rank, File, CastleRights, Color, ChessMove};

let move1 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::A),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::A),

let move2 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::E),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E),

let move3 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::A),

let move4 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::E),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::E),

let mut board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::Both);
assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::Both);

board = board.make_move_new(move1)

assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::KingSide);
assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::NoRights);

pub fn add_castle_rights(&mut self, color: Color, add: CastleRights)

Add castle rights for a particular side. Note: this can create an invalid position.

pub fn remove_castle_rights(&mut self, color: Color, remove: CastleRights)

Remove castle rights for a particular side.

use chess::{Board, CastleRights, Color};

let mut board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::Both);

board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::QueenSide);

pub fn side_to_move(&self) -> Color

Who's turn is it?

use chess::{Board, Color};

let mut board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.side_to_move(), Color::White);

pub fn my_castle_rights(&self) -> CastleRights

Grab my CastleRights.

use chess::{Board, Color, CastleRights};

let mut board = Board::default();
board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::QueenSide);

assert_eq!(board.my_castle_rights(), board.castle_rights(Color::White));

pub fn add_my_castle_rights(&mut self, add: CastleRights)

Add to my CastleRights. Note: This can make the position invalid.

pub fn remove_my_castle_rights(&mut self, remove: CastleRights)

Remove some of my CastleRights.

use chess::{Board, CastleRights};

let mut board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.my_castle_rights(), CastleRights::Both);

assert_eq!(board.my_castle_rights(), CastleRights::QueenSide);

pub fn their_castle_rights(&self) -> CastleRights

My opponents CastleRights.

use chess::{Board, Color, CastleRights};

let mut board = Board::default();
board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::QueenSide);

assert_eq!(board.their_castle_rights(), board.castle_rights(Color::Black));

pub fn add_their_castle_rights(&mut self, add: CastleRights)

Add to my opponents CastleRights. Note: This can make the position invalid.

pub fn remove_their_castle_rights(&mut self, remove: CastleRights)

Remove some of my opponents CastleRights.

use chess::{Board, CastleRights};

let mut board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.their_castle_rights(), CastleRights::Both);

assert_eq!(board.their_castle_rights(), CastleRights::QueenSide);

pub fn set_piece(
    piece: Piece,
    color: Color,
    square: Square
) -> Option<Board>

For a chess UI: set a piece on a particular square.

use chess::{Board, Piece, Color, Square, Rank, File};

let board = Board::default();

let new_board = board.set_piece(Piece::Queen,
                                Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::E))
                     .expect("Valid Position");

assert_eq!(new_board.pieces(Piece::Queen).count(), 3);

pub fn clear_square(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Board>

For a chess UI: clear a particular square.

use chess::{Board, Square, Rank, File, Piece};

let board = Board::default();

let new_board = board.clear_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A))
                     .expect("Valid Position");

assert_eq!(new_board.pieces(Piece::Rook).count(), 3);

pub fn null_move(&self) -> Option<Board>

Switch the color of the player without actually making a move. Returns None if the current player is in check.

use chess::{Board, Color};

let board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(board.side_to_move(), Color::White);

let new_board = board.null_move().expect("Valid Position");

assert_eq!(new_board.side_to_move(), Color::Black);

pub fn is_sane(&self) -> bool

Does this board "make sense"? Do all the pieces make sense, do the bitboards combine correctly, etc? This is for sanity checking.

use chess::{Board, Color, Piece, Square, Rank, File};

let board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(board.is_sane(), true);

// Remove the king
let bad_board = board.clear_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::E)).expect("Valid Position");
assert_eq!(bad_board.is_sane(), false);

pub fn get_hash(&self) -> u64

Get a hash of the board.

pub fn get_pawn_hash(&self) -> u64

Get a pawn hash of the board (a hash that only changes on color change and pawn moves).

pub fn piece_on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Piece>

What piece is on a particular Square? Is there even one?

use chess::{Board, Piece, Square, Rank, File};

let board = Board::default();

let sq1 = Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A);
let sq2 = Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D);

assert_eq!(board.piece_on(sq1), Some(Piece::Rook));
assert_eq!(board.piece_on(sq2), None);

pub fn color_on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Color>

What color piece is on a particular square?

pub fn en_passant(self) -> Option<Square>

Give me the en_passant square, if it exists.

use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File};

let move1 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),

let move2 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::H),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::H),

let move3 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::D),

let move4 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::E),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E),

let board = Board::default().make_move_new(move1)

assert_eq!(board.en_passant(), Some(Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E)));

pub fn legal(&self, m: ChessMove) -> bool

Is a particular move legal? This function is very slow, but will work on unsanitized input.

use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File};

let move1 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::E),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::E),

let move2 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::E),
                           Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E),

let board = Board::default();

assert_eq!(board.legal(move1), true);
assert_eq!(board.legal(move2), false);

pub fn make_move_new(&self, m: ChessMove) -> Board

Make a chess move onto a new board.

panic!() if king is captured.

use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File, Color};

let m = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
                       Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),

let board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.make_move_new(m).side_to_move(), Color::Black);

pub fn make_move(&self, m: ChessMove, result: &mut Board)

Make a chess move onto an already allocated Board.

panic!() if king is captured.

use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File, Color};

let m = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
                       Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),

let board = Board::default();
let mut result = Board::default();
board.make_move(m, &mut result);
assert_eq!(result.side_to_move(), Color::Black);

Important traits for BitBoard
pub fn pinned(&self) -> &BitBoard

Give me the BitBoard of my pinned pieces.

Important traits for BitBoard
pub fn checkers(&self) -> &BitBoard

Give me the Bitboard of the pieces putting me in check.

Trait Implementations

impl Default for Board

Construct the initial position.

impl Clone for Board

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Copy for Board

impl PartialEq<Board> for Board

impl Debug for Board

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Send for Board

impl Sync for Board

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From for T

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    T: From<U>, 

type Error = !

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized