Expand description

Chess turn engine

Turn engine fully implements all chess rules so it could be used to play chess or to make chess simulations.

Engine provides a list of available and playable turns after each turn is played. Any turn from the list can be played. Any played turn can be undone.

Input for the engine are chess turns written in algebraic chess notation format. But for the simplicity sake, one can use AvailableTurn struct to transform simple layman’s turn Move piece from square A to square B into a chess notation turn.


Chess engine provides a basic set of tools to print out the board state in ASCII format. Few options are available for printing out the board state. Turn history can be printed out. Captured pieces can be printed out.

ViewMode::SimpleAscii - Quite simple display format

  • b: Black player
  • w: White player
  • P: Pawn
  • N: Knight
  • B: Bishop
  • R: Rook
  • K: King
  • Q: Queen
8 bR bN bB bQ bK bB bN bR
7 bP bP bP bP bP bP bP bP
6  -  +  -  +  -  +  -  +
5  +  -  +  -  +  -  +  -
4  -  +  -  +  -  +  -  +
3  +  -  +  -  +  -  +  -
2 wP wP wP wP wP wP wP wP
1 wR wN wB wQ wK wB wN wR
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h

ViewMode::FancyTui - Colorful terminal ASCII display format

Note: colors are not visible in documentation pages

8  ♜  ♞  ♝  ♛  ♚  ♝  ♞  ♜
7  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟
2  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙
1  ♖  ♘  ♗  ♕  ♔  ♗  ♘  ♖
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h

Example with six straightforward turns played

let mut cte = ChessTurnEngine::new(Setup::Normal).unwrap();
let turns = ["h4", "Na6", "h5", "b5", "d3", "g6"];

turns.iter().for_each(|turn| {

for turn in cte.available_turns() {
    println!("{}", turn);

// Output:
// AvailableTurn (src: h5, dst: h6, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: h6
// AvailableTurn (src: h5, dst: g6, piece: Pawn, captured: Some("Pawn"), turn: hxg6
// AvailableTurn (src: d3, dst: d4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: d4
// AvailableTurn (src: a2, dst: a3, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: a3
// AvailableTurn (src: a2, dst: a4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: a4
// AvailableTurn (src: b2, dst: b3, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: b3
// AvailableTurn (src: b2, dst: b4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: b4
// AvailableTurn (src: c2, dst: c3, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: c3
// AvailableTurn (src: c2, dst: c4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: c4
// AvailableTurn (src: e2, dst: e3, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: e3
// AvailableTurn (src: e2, dst: e4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: e4
// AvailableTurn (src: f2, dst: f3, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: f3
// AvailableTurn (src: f2, dst: f4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: f4
// AvailableTurn (src: g2, dst: g3, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: g3
// AvailableTurn (src: g2, dst: g4, piece: Pawn, captured: None, turn: g4
// AvailableTurn (src: b1, dst: c3, piece: Knight, captured: None, turn: Nc3
// AvailableTurn (src: b1, dst: a3, piece: Knight, captured: None, turn: Na3
// AvailableTurn (src: b1, dst: d2, piece: Knight, captured: None, turn: Nd2
// AvailableTurn (src: c1, dst: d2, piece: Bishop, captured: None, turn: Bd2
// AvailableTurn (src: c1, dst: e3, piece: Bishop, captured: None, turn: Be3
// AvailableTurn (src: c1, dst: f4, piece: Bishop, captured: None, turn: Bf4
// AvailableTurn (src: c1, dst: g5, piece: Bishop, captured: None, turn: Bg5
// AvailableTurn (src: c1, dst: h6, piece: Bishop, captured: None, turn: Bh6
// AvailableTurn (src: d1, dst: d2, piece: Queen, captured: None, turn: Qd2
// AvailableTurn (src: e1, dst: d2, piece: King, captured: None, turn: Kd2
// AvailableTurn (src: g1, dst: h3, piece: Knight, captured: None, turn: Nh3
// AvailableTurn (src: g1, dst: f3, piece: Knight, captured: None, turn: Nf3
// AvailableTurn (src: h1, dst: h2, piece: Rook, captured: None, turn: Rh2
// AvailableTurn (src: h1, dst: h3, piece: Rook, captured: None, turn: Rh3
// AvailableTurn (src: h1, dst: h4, piece: Rook, captured: None, turn: Rh4

Example with two turns played

let mut cte = ChessTurnEngine::new(Setup::Normal).unwrap();
assert!(cte.play_turn("d4").is_ok()); // Play "d4", starting turn

// Play a random turn for the black player
let mut next_random_turn =

// Play "a3" turn using only info about the source and destination squares
for turn in cte.available_turns() {
    if turn.src != String::from("a2") && turn.dst != String::from("a3") {
    next_random_turn = String::from(turn.get_turn());
assert_eq!(cte.gamestate(), Gamestate::Ongoing);

// 8 bR bN bB bQ bK bB bN bR
// 7 bP bP bP  - bP bP bP bP
// 6  -  +  -  +  -  +  -  +
// 5  +  -  + bP  +  -  +  -
// 4  -  +  - wP  -  +  -  +
// 3 wP  -  +  -  +  -  +  -
// 2  - wP wP  + wP wP wP wP
// 1 wR wN wB wQ wK wB wN wR
//    a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h


Data which describes the turn that can be played.

Game engine


Display option

Error codes

Board game state

Chessboard setup

View modes for BoardView