initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Event","Container for data as it flows across the topology"],["SignalType","Tag to distinguish unchanging signals from dynamic signals"],["Value","Value encodes the difference between changed & unchanged data, in cases where multiple inputs have been combined."]],"fn":[["spawn_topology","Construct a new topology and run it"]],"mod":[["primitives","Building blocks for data ingestion and transformation"]],"struct":[["Builder","`Builder` provides helpers for building topologies"],["Config","Topology Configuration"],["Topology","`Topology` describes a data flow and controls its execution"],["TopologyHandle","For explicitly terminating a running topology"]],"trait":[["Push","Types which can receive incoming data from other signals"],["Run","Types which can initiate a chain of transformations"],["Signal","Types which can serve as a data source"],["SignalExt","Methods for manipulating signals"]]});