[][src]Crate cfgmap

This crate contains a new data structure that acts as a wrapper around a HashMap. It provides its own data enum for values (CfgValue), and contains multiple helper functions that let you navigate the hashmap easily.

Its primary purpose is for configuration, allowing for validation as well. In essence, a CfgMap would represent a configuration for an application. So far, alternatives for configuration would be to use a data format library directly, or utilise a struct that a configuration file, like JSON or TOML, would serialise into.

This can be more than satisfactory, especially for basic configurations, however in certain situations it can prove to be more than a bit cumbersome. For example, if you plan on using default options in the case that certain options aren't set, having multiple nested objects to validate and go through, etc.

It is very easy to make a new CfgMap, there are multiple methods:

use cfgmap::CfgMap;

let map1 = CfgMap::new();
let mut map2 = CfgMap::new();
map2.default = "default".into();

CfgMap allows for some functionality with regards to default values. For map1 above, default was never set, so the values would be retrieved from the root. For map2 however, it's assumed that all default values are located in default.

You can also create a CfgMap using different methods:

  • with_hashmap(HashMap<String, CfgValue>): Useful for when you want to craft a hashmap manually and convert it into a CfgMap.
  • from_toml(toml::value::Value): Generates a CfgMap representation of the toml value passed. This value has to be a Table, otherwise the function will panic.
  • from_json(json::Value): Same as from_toml, but for json.

The last two methods are optional. In order to use them, you would need to add the from_toml and from_json features.

CfgMap also comes with support for a certain path syntax with its keys:


This helps to make access to nested items easy. The line above is essentially equal to:

    .and_then(|a| a.as_map())
    .and_then(|a| a.get("there"))
    .and_then(|a| a.as_map())
    .and_then(|a| a.get("pal"));

Note that if hello or there weren't CfgMaps as well, the whole expression would evaluate to None. This key can also contain array indexes. For example, with a/0/c, it will check whether a is a Map or a List. If its the former, it will try to find a key with the value 0. If its the latter, it will instead try to index into the list.

Now, what if you want to check what a certain value evaluates to? This is something that you'll encounter very quickly if you'd like to use any value. This crate comes with an extensive support for Conditions!

use cfgmap::{Condition::*, Checkable};
let is_number = cfgmap.get("hello/there/pal").check_that(IsInt | IsFloat);

The above line will check whether the value at hello/there/pal is a CfgValue::Int or a CfgValue::Float. There are more conditions listed here. If there are more conditions that you'd like added, feel free to open up an issue or open a PR! All of these serve as utilities to help validate a certain value.

Defaults can also be used quite easily:+

map.get_option("http_settings", "ip_address");

Let's say that map was initialised with its default at default. The above line will be equivalent to the following:


You can also update an option like this, using update_option. This works similar to using add, except that it doesn't add a new option if it isn't found, only updating an existing one.

All HashMap methods are also available, since CfgMap implements Deref and DerefMut for HashMap<String, CfgValue>. For example, you can call .iter() on it, even though that is not directly implemented.


use cfgmap::{CfgMap, CfgValue::*, Condition::*, Checkable};

let toml = toml::toml! {
   name = "cfgmap"
   version = "0.1.0"
   authors = ["Andrea Jenkins <mctech26@gmail.com>"]

   name = "cfgmap"
   path = "src/cfgmap.rs"

   serde_json = { version = "1.0.48", optional = true }
   toml = { version = "0.5.6", optional = true }

   date = 2020-02-29
   float = 1.2
   int = 3
   internal.more = "hello"

   name = "a"

   name = "b"

let cmap = CfgMap::from_toml(toml);

assert!(cmap.get("package/authors").check_that(IsExactlyList(vec![Str("Andrea Jenkins <mctech26@gmail.com>".into())])));







A configuration map, containing helper functions and effectively being a wrapper around a HashMaps.



Represents a value within a CfgMap


Different possible conditions.



Trait for the check_that function, that allows it to run a condition on a struct.