Crate ceres_solver

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Safe Rust bindings for Ceres Solver

Solve large and small non-linear optimization problems in Rust. See nlls_problem::NllsProblem for general non-linear least squares problem and curve_fit::CurveFitProblem1D for a multiparametric 1-D curve fitting.


Let’s solve min[(x - 2)^2] problem

use ceres_solver::{CostFunction, CostFunctionType, NllsProblem, ResidualBlock};

// parameters vector consists of vector parameters, here we have a single 1-D parameter.
let true_parameters = vec![vec![2.0]];
let initial_parameters = vec![vec![0.0]];
// This must be equal to initial_parameters.iter().map(|v| v.len()).collect();
let parameter_sizes = [1];

// You can skip type annotations in the closure definition, we use them for verbosity only.
let cost: CostFunctionType = Box::new(
    move |parameters: &[&[f64]],
          residuals: &mut [f64],
          mut jacobians: Option<&mut [Option<&mut [&mut [f64]]>]>| {
        // residuals have the size of your data set, in our case it is just 1
        residuals[0] = parameters[0][0] - 2.0;
        // jacobians can be None, then you don't need to provide them
        if let Some(jacobians) = jacobians {
            // The size of the jacobians array is equal to the number of parameters,
            // each element is Option<&mut [&mut [f64]]>
            if let Some(d_dx) = &mut jacobians[0] {
                // Each element in the jacobians array is slice of slices:
                // the first index is for different residuals components,
                // the second index is for different components of the parameter vector
                d_dx[0][0] = 1.0;
// 1 is the number of residuals.
let cost_function = CostFunction::new(cost, parameter_sizes, 1);

let mut problem = NllsProblem::new();

// There could be many residual blocks, each has its own parameters.
    .add_residual_block(ResidualBlock::new(initial_parameters, cost_function))
// solution is a vector of parameters, one per residual block. Type annotation is not needed.
let solution: Vec<Vec<Vec<f64>>> = problem.solve().unwrap();

assert!(f64::abs(solution[0][0][0] - true_parameters[0][0]) < 1e-8);

We also provide a lighter interface for 1-D multiparameter curve fit problems via CurveFitProblem1D. Let’s generate data points and fit them for a quadratic function.

use ceres_solver::{CurveFitProblem1D, CurveFunctionType};

// A model to use for the cost function.
fn model(
    x: f64,
    parameters: &[f64],
    y: &mut f64,
    jacobians: Option<&mut [Option<f64>]>,
) -> bool {
    let &[a, b, c]: &[f64; 3] = parameters.try_into().unwrap();
    *y = a * x.powi(2) + b * x + c;
    if let Some(jacobians) = jacobians {
        let [d_da, d_db, d_dc]: &mut [Option<f64>; 3] = jacobians.try_into().unwrap();
        if let Some(d_da) = d_da {
            *d_da = x.powi(2);
        if let Some(d_db) = d_db {
            *d_db = x;
        if let Some(d_dc) = d_dc {
            *d_dc = 1.0;

let true_parameters = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];

// Generate data points.
let x: Vec<_> = (0..100).map(|i| i as f64 * 0.01).collect();
let y: Vec<_> = x
    .map(|&x| {
        let mut y = 0.0;
        model(x, &true_parameters, &mut y, None);
        // True value + "noise"
        y + 0.001 + f64::sin(1e6 * x)

// Wrap the model to be a cost function.
let cost: CurveFunctionType = Box::new(model);

// Solve it!
let initial_guess = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
let solution = CurveFitProblem1D::new(cost, &x, &y, &initial_guess, None).to_solution();

// Check the results.
for (true_value, actual_value) in true_parameters.into_iter().zip(solution.into_iter()) {
    assert!(f64::abs(true_value - actual_value) < 0.1);


pub use cost::CostFunction;
pub use cost::CostFunctionType;
pub use curve_fit::CurveFitProblem1D;
pub use curve_fit::CurveFunctionType;
pub use loss::LossFunction;
pub use loss::LossFunctionType;
pub use nlls_problem::NllsProblem;
pub use parameters::Parameters;
pub use residual_block::ResidualBlock;
