Crate cdx

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The command line tool cdx is a set of tools for text file manipulation and command line data mining. It is hoped that the associated library will be useful for theid party tools.


Aggregate Values

binary search in text files

Handles conversion between named column sets and lists of column numbers Also helps with selecting those columns from a line of text

Tools for comparing lines and fields

Floating Point expressions

Join files together by matching column values

Test if a TextLine, str or &[u8] matches a pattern

Numeric Helpers

The prelude

Samplers are given a series of data, and write some of them

Tools for sorting text files

Format plain text to a fixed width terminal

The Text trait, with implementations for str and &u8 for all those things that are needed for both types

Generate random text

parse and run tooltest files

Transforms that turn values into other values

Transpose a file

Misc utility stuff


Shorthand for returning an error Result