Expand description
An implementation of client side DNS query library - a resolver, a set of routines that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
This library provides both: sync and async crates to query remote DNS servers and local hosts file.
This code will be considered stable only when the major part of verion number will reach v 1.x.x
- This library reads /etc/hosts and partially understands /etc/resolv.conf i.e only ‘nameserver’ option is parsed at the moment.
- This library does not support TCP query at the moment.
- The nsswitch.conf is also ignored as this crate at the moment is not pretending to be a glibc/libc replacement.
- Does not support DNS-over-TLS at the moment
- Does not support DNSSEC at the moment
- /etc/resolve.conf is limited to ‘nameserver’
Supported GNU/Linux and *BSD (incl OSX, but not guaranteed)
- a_sync - contains all async code
- sync - contains all sync code Files: /:
- portable.rs - contains the code which requres porting to other OS. This code usually incompatiable with different UNIX-type OSes.
- error.rs - an error wrapper and mapper
- tokenizer.rs - contains simple tokenizer for parsing config files.
- read_only_cell.rs - an implementation of the once written cell for initialization purposes.
- cfg_host_parser.rs - a common code for the /etc/host which is used by both sync/async
- cfg_resolv_parser.rs - a common code for the /etc/resolv.conf which is used by sync/async
- query.rs - a common code of query
- query_private.rs - internal items for query construction
- caches.rs - contains a cached in memory config files like /etc/hosts. If file was modified, the cache controller attempts to reload file during library call from main program. Sync realization of common file.
- cfg_parsers.rs - contains the confgiration files parsers.
- common.rs - this file contains all code related to DNS protocol i.e structures, parsing.
- network.rs - a code which deals with networking part, i.e msg exchange with DNS server.
- mutex.rs - a local implementaion of mutex for dafu usage in multithreading env. Derived from rust’s mutex implementation.
- poison.rs - a mutex poison detection derived from rust’s code.
- query.rs - a file which contains main logic
- query_polltaps.rs - a pairing of socket with request depending on config
- query_private.rs - a sync realization of the common file
- request.rs - a pre-defined requests
- log.rs - a log facility
- feature = “use_async” for asynchronious code (use cdns_rs::a_sync::{…};)
- feature = “use_sync” for synchronious code (use cdns_rs::sync::{…};)
- feature = “no_error_output” does not output error
- feature = “custom_error_output” outputs error to defined output
can not be defined simultaniously.
If both no_error_output
and custom_error_output
are not defined then the errors
are output to stderr.
All features can be used simultaniously.
i.e cdns-rs = {version = “0.2”, default-features = false, features = [“use_sync”, “no_error_output”]}
By default, both use_async
, use_sync
, no_error_output
features are enabled.
extern crate cdns_rs;
use cdns_rs::{QType, QDnsQueriesRes, QDnsQuery, QuerySetup, DnsRdata};
use cdns_rs::sync::QDns;
use cdns_rs::sync::caches::CACHE;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let resolvers = CACHE.clone_resolve_list().unwrap();
let mut q = QDns::make_empty(resolvers, 1, QuerySetup::default());
q.add_request(QType::PTR, "");
let res = q.query().into_inner();
if let Some(dq) = res
for d in dq
let resp = d.move_responses();
for r in resp
match r.rdata
DnsRdata::PTR{fqdn} =>
println!("{}", fqdn);
_ => {}
pub use common::QType;
pub use common::DnsResponsePayload;
pub use common::DnsRdata;
pub use common::DnsSoa;
pub use query::QDnsQueriesRes;
pub use query::QDnsQuery;
pub use query::QuerySetup;
pub use query::QDnsQueryRec;
pub use error::*;
- A macro for printing to progrmas buffer all error messages generated by the library.
- A macro for printing to progrmas buffer all error messages generated by the library.