[][src]Module cc3220sf::gpioa2::data

0x4000 5000 0x4000 6000 0x4000 7000 0x4002 4000 GPIO Data (GPIODATA)@@ offset 0x000 The GPIODATA register is the data register. In software control mode@@ values written in the GPIODATA register are transferred onto the GPIO port pins if the respective pins have been configured as outputs through the GPIO Direction (GPIODIR) register (see page 653). In order to write to GPIODATA@@ the corresponding bits in the mask@@ resulting from the address bus bits [9:2]@@ must be set. Otherwise@@ the bit values remain unchanged by the write. Similarly@@ the values read from this register are determined for each bit by the mask bit derived from the address used to access the data register@@ bits [9:2]. Bits that are set in the address mask cause the corresponding bits in GPIODATA to be read@@ and bits that are clear in the address mask cause the corresponding bits in GPIODATA to be read as 0@@ regardless of their value. A read from GPIODATA returns the last bit value written if the respective pins are configured as outputs@@ or it returns the value on the corresponding input pin when these are configured as inputs. All bits are cleared by a reset.

Type Definitions


Reader of register DATA


Writer for register DATA