[][src]Type Definition cc2538::udma::ALTBASE

type ALTBASE = Reg<u32, _ALTBASE>;

DMA alternate channel control base pointer The ALTBASE register returns the base address of the alternate channel control data. This register removes the necessity for application software to calculate the base address of the alternate channel control structures. This register cannot be read when the uDMA controller is in the reset state.

This register you can read, reset, write, write_with_zero, modify. See API.

For information about avaliable fields see altbase module

Trait Implementations

impl Readable for ALTBASE[src]

read() method returns altbase::R reader structure

impl Writable for ALTBASE[src]

write(|w| ..) method takes altbase::W writer structure

impl ResetValue for ALTBASE[src]

Register ALTBASE reset()'s with value 0

type Type = u32

Register size