[][src]Type Definition cc2538::pka::CPTR

type CPTR = Reg<u32, _CPTR>;

PKA vector C address During execution of basic PKCP operations, this register is double buffered and can be written with a new value for the next operation; when not written, the value remains intact. During the execution of sequencer-controlled complex operations, this register may not be written and its value is undefined at the conclusion of the operation. The driver software cannot rely on the written value to remain intact.

This register you can read, reset, write, write_with_zero, modify. See API.

For information about avaliable fields see cptr module

Trait Implementations

impl Readable for CPTR[src]

read() method returns cptr::R reader structure

impl Writable for CPTR[src]

write(|w| ..) method takes cptr::W writer structure

impl ResetValue for CPTR[src]

Register CPTR reset()'s with value 0

type Type = u32

Register size