[][src]Type Definition cc2538::aes::DMAC_SWRES

type DMAC_SWRES = Reg<u32, _DMAC_SWRES>;

DMAC software reset register Software reset is used to reset the DMAC to stop all transfers and clears the port error status register. After the software reset is performed, all the channels are disabled and no new requests are performed by the channels. The DMAC waits for the existing (active) requests to finish and accordingly sets the DMAC status registers.

This register you can read, reset, write, write_with_zero, modify. See API.

For information about avaliable fields see dmac_swres module

Trait Implementations

impl Readable for DMAC_SWRES[src]

read() method returns dmac_swres::R reader structure

impl Writable for DMAC_SWRES[src]

write(|w| ..) method takes dmac_swres::W writer structure

impl ResetValue for DMAC_SWRES[src]

Register DMAC_SWRES reset()'s with value 0

type Type = u32

Register size