[][src]Module cc13x2_cc26x2_pac::gpt3::tar

Timer A Register This register shows the current value of the Timer A counter in all cases except for Input Edge Count and Time modes. In the Input Edge Count mode, this register contains the number of edges that have occurred. In the Input Edge Time mode, this register contains the time at which the last edge event took place. When a GPT is configured to one of the 32-bit modes, this register appears as a 32-bit register (the upper 16-bits correspond to the contents of the Timer B (TBR) register). In the16-bit Input Edge Count, Input Edge Time, and PWM modes, bits 15:0 contain the value of the counter and bits 23:16 contain the value of the prescaler, which is the upper 8 bits of the count. Bits 31:24 always read as 0. To read the value of the prescaler in 16-bit One-Shot and Periodic modes, read bits [23:16] in the TAV register. To read the value of the prescalar in periodic snapshot mode, read the Timer A Prescale Snapshot (TAPS) register.



Value read from the register


Value of the field


Value to write to the register

