pub fn slice_at_intersects<P, T, F>(
    pline: &P,
    boolean_info: &ProcessForBooleanResult<T>,
    use_second_index: bool,
    point_on_slice_pred: &mut F,
    output_slices: &mut Vec<BooleanPlineSlice<T>>,
    pos_equal_eps: T
where P: PlineSource<Num = T> + ?Sized, T: Real, F: FnMut(Vector2<T>) -> bool,
Expand description

Slice the given pline at all of its intersects for boolean operations.

If use_second_index is true then the second index of the intersect types is used to correspond with pline, otherwise the first index is used. point_on_slice_pred is called on at least one point from each slice, if it returns true then the slice is kept, otherwise it is discarded. output is populated with open polylines that represent all the slices.