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A helper macro for safe Java-Rust interop that “catches” Rust panics and rethrows them as Java exceptions.


Attach #[catch_panic] to a JNI callback to have panics converted into RuntimeExceptions:

pub extern "C" fn Java_com_example_Example_panic(_env: JNIEnv) {
    panic!("everything is not fine");

Since #[catch_panic] internally relies on Rust’s catch_unwind function, you must build your library with panic = "unwind" for panics to be caught.

Dummy return values

Even if an exception is thrown, the native callback must return some value to the JVM. By default, #[catch_panic] will attempt to use the Default value of a type as the dummy value to return. This however does not work for jobjects and related types, so an explicit default must be specified:

#[catch_panic(default = "std::ptr::null_mut()")]
pub extern "C" fn Java_com_example_Example_gimmeAnObject(env: JNIEnv) -> jobject {

Any valid expression can be used for the default value.

Custom panic payload handlers

For throwing custom exception types or processing the panic payload, you can use your own panic payload handler:

pub fn enterprise_certified_handler(env: JNIEnv, err: Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>) {
    let msg = match err.downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
        Some(s) => *s,
        None => match err.downcast_ref::<String>() {
            Some(s) => &s[..],
            None => "this is a certified `std::panic::panic_any` moment",
    env.throw_new("com/example/ExampleEnterpriseException", msg).unwrap();

#[catch_panic(handler = "enterprise_certified_handler")]
pub extern "C" fn Java_com_example_Example_makeFactoryNoises(env: JNIEnv) {
    panic!("<insert factory noises>");


Implementation of the default #[catch_panic] handler.

Attribute Macros

Catches a panic and rethrows it as a Java exception. See the crate-level documentation for more information.