Expand description

This crate provides methods for encoding and decoding numeric variables, arrays and structures in little-endian and big-endian. They can be nested and arranged in a series.

Note: In this crate, the term encast means decoding a number of bytes to one or more values, the term decast means encoding one or more variables to a number of bytes, and the term endian-flip means flipping the endianness of value(s).

Example 1

In the example below, method encastf decodes bytes in bytes1 in big-endian (BE) to variable udp_hdr2 of type UdpHdr. Then, method decastf encodes the resulting value in udp_hdr2 to bytes in big-endian (BE) and stores them in bytes3.

use castflip::{Cast, Flip, EncastMem, DecastMem, BE};

#[derive(Cast, Flip)]
struct UdpHdr {     // UDP: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc768.txt
    sport:  u16,    // UDP Source Port
    dport:  u16,    // UDP Destination Port
    len:    u16,    // UDP Length
    sum:    u16,    // UDP Checksum

// Input data: UDP header (8 bytes)
let bytes1: [u8; 8] = [0xC3, 0xC9, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00, 0x32, 0x82, 0x3F];

// Decode bytes `bytes1` to variable `udp_hdr2`.
let udp_hdr2 = bytes1.encastf::<UdpHdr>(BE)?;  // BE = Big-Endian

// Encode the resulting UDP header `udp_hdr2` to bytes `bytes3`.
let mut bytes3 = [0_u8; 8];
let size3 = bytes3.decastf::<UdpHdr>(&udp_hdr2, BE)?;

// Check the results (udp_hdr2)
assert_eq!(udp_hdr2.sport, 0xC3C9); // = 50121
assert_eq!(udp_hdr2.dport, 0x0035); // = 53 (DNS)
assert_eq!(udp_hdr2.len,   0x0032); // = 50
assert_eq!(udp_hdr2.sum,   0x823F);

// Check the results (bytes3)
assert_eq!(size3, 8);
assert_eq!(bytes3, bytes1);

In the example above, #[derive(Cast)] makes the value of UdpHdr encastable / decastable, and #[derive(Flip)] makes the value of UdpHdr endian-flippable.

Trait EncastMem provides methods to encast from memory, and trait DecastMem provides methods to decast to memory. The generic type parameters of their methods can be omitted where the Rust compiler can infer them. Their methods whose names end with ‘f’ flip the endianness of the results. The endianness of bytes is specified in their argument. BE is an alias of Endian::Big, which means Big-Endian.

Note: UDP is one of the fundamental protocols in the internet protocol suite.

Example 2

Arrays, structures and unions can be nested as in the example below.

use std::io::Cursor;
use castflip::{Cast, Flip, NopFlip, EncastIO, DecastIO, LE};

#[derive(Cast, Flip)]
struct StructA {    // 8 bytes (total)
    x: [u8; 2],     // 2 bytes
    y: u16,         // 2 bytes
    z: u32,         // 4 bytes

#[derive(Cast, NopFlip)]
union UnionB {      // 4 bytes (largest)
    u: [u8; 4],     // 4 bytes
    v: [u16; 2],    // 4 bytes
    w: u32,         // 4 bytes

#[derive(Cast, Flip)]
struct StructC {    // 16 bytes (total)
    a: StructA,     //  8 bytes
    b: UnionB,      //  4 bytes
    f: f32,         //  4 bytes

// Input data (16 bytes)
let bytes1: [u8; 16] = [0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
                        0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x41];
let mut input1 = Cursor::new(bytes1);

// Decode input `input1` to variable `var2_c` of type `StructC`.
let var2_c: StructC = input1.encastf(LE)?;  // LE = Little-Endian

// Encode variable `var2_c` to bytes and write them to `output3`.
let mut output3 = Cursor::new(vec![0_u8; 16]);
let size3 = output3.decastf(&var2_c, LE)?;

// Check the results (StructA in StructC)
assert_eq!(var2_c.a.x, [0x10, 0x11]);  // x: [u8; 2],
assert_eq!(var2_c.a.y, 0x1312);        // y: u16,
assert_eq!(var2_c.a.z, 0x17161514);    // z: u32,

// Check the results (UnionB in StructC)
unsafe {
    assert_eq!(var2_c.b.u, [0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B]);  // u: [u8; 4],
    if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
        assert_eq!(var2_c.b.v, [0x1918, 0x1B1A]);      // v: [u16; 2],
        assert_eq!(var2_c.b.w, 0x1B1A1918);            // w: u32,
    } else if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
        assert_eq!(var2_c.b.v, [0x1819, 0x1A1B]);      // v: [16; 2],
        assert_eq!(var2_c.b.w, 0x18191A1B);            // w: u32,

// Check the result (f32 in StructC)
assert_eq!(var2_c.f, 12.5_f32);  // f: f32,

// Check the results (output3)
assert_eq!(size3, 16);
assert_eq!(&output3.into_inner(), &bytes1[..]);

In the example above, #[derive(Cast)] makes all types encastable / decastable, #[derive(Flip)] makes StructA and StructC endian-flippable, and #[derive(NopFlip)] marks UnionB as endian-flippable but the implemented operation is Nop (No operation).

Note that io::Cursor wraps an in-memory buffer and provides it through io::Read and io::Write.

Trait EncastIO provides methods to encast from io::Read, and trait DecastIO provides methods to decast to io::Write. The type of the value(s) can be explicitly specified as the generic type parameter of their methods or implicitly specified so that the Rust compiler can infer. Their methods whose names end with ‘f’ flip the endianness of the results. The endianness of bytes is specified in their argument. LE is an alias of Endian::Little, which means Little-Endian.

Example 3

A series of structured binary data can be encasted / decasted as in the example below.

use castflip::{Cast, Flip, EncastMem, DecastMem, BE};

#[derive(Cast, Flip, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Pair (u16, u16); // 4 bytes

// Input data (12 bytes)
let bytes1: [u8; 12] = [0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27,
                        0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B];

// Decode bytes `bytes1` to variable `vec2`.
let vec2: Vec<Pair> = bytes1.encastvf(3, BE)?;  // 3 pairs, BE = Big-Endian

// Encode variable `vec2` to bytes `bytes3`.
let mut bytes3 = [0_u8; 12];
let size3 = bytes3.decastsf(&vec2, BE)?;

// Check the result (vec2)
assert_eq!(vec2, vec![Pair(0x2021, 0x2223), Pair(0x2425, 0x2627),
                      Pair(0x2829, 0x2A2B)]);

// Check the results (bytes3)
assert_eq!(size3, 12);
assert_eq!(bytes3, bytes1);

In the example above, #[derive(Cast)] makes the values of Pair encastable / decastable, and #[derive(Flip)] makes the values of Pair endian-flippable.

Trait EncastMem provides methods to encast from memory, and trait DecastMem provides methods to decast to memory. The type of the value(s) can be explicitly specified as the generic type parameter of their methods or implicitly specified so that the Rust compiler can infer. The methods whose name contain ‘s’ (= slice) or ‘v’ (= vector) encast / decast a series of structured binary data, and the methods whose names end with ‘f’ flip the endianness of the results. The number of elements is specified in the argument of method encastvf. The endianness of bytes is specified in their argument. BE is an alias of Endian::Big, which means Big-Endian.

Note: The reason why #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] is declared is that assert_eq! requires them. This crate works without them.


This crate provides methods for encoding and decoding numeric variables, arrays and structures in little-endian and big-endian. They can be nested and arranged in a series.

Two types of endianness is defined in enum Endian: relative endian (Native or Swapped) and absolute endian (Little or Big).

List of traits to mark characteristics of types

  • Cast marks types as encastable / decastable
  • Flip marks types as endian-flippable
  • NopFlip marks types as endian-flippable but the implemented operation is Nop (No operation)

They can be implemented by declaring #[derive(Cast)], #[derive(Flip)] and #[derive(NopFlip)] respectively if required conditions are met.

List of methods defined in trait EncastMem and trait EncastIO

  • encast decodes a required number of bytes to a value.
  • encastf decodes a required number of bytes to a value with endian-flipping.
  • encasts decodes a required number of bytes to a slice of value(s).
  • encastsf decodes a required number of bytes to a slice of value(s) with endian-flipping.
  • encastv decodes a required number of bytes to a vector of value(s).
  • encastvf decodes a required number of bytes to a vector of value(s) with endian-flipping.

The methods defined in trait EncastMem returns Option and the methods defined in trait EncastIO returns io::Result. If successful, they return resulting value(s) for a value or a vector, or they return the number of bytes for a slice. The endianness of the bytes in self is specified in the arguments of encastf, encastsf and encastvf. The number of elements in the resulting vector is specified in the arguments of encastv and encastvf.

List of methods defined in trait DecastMem and trait DecastIO

  • decast encodes a variable to a number of bytes.
  • decastf encodes a variable to a number of bytes with endian-flipping.
  • decasts encodes a slice of variable(s) to a number of bytes.
  • decastsf encodes a slice of variable(s) to a number of bytes with endian-flipping.

The methods defined in trait DecastMem returns Option and the methods defined in trait DecastIO returns io::Result. If successful, they return the number of resulting bytes. The endianness of resulting bytes is specified in the arguments of decastf and decastsf. (FYI: decastv and decastvf is renamed to decasts and decastsf, respectively)

Notes on trait EncastIO and trait DecastIO

EncastIO provides methods to encast from io::Read, and DecastIO provides methods decast to io::Write. Remember that io::Read and io::Write are implemented also for &[u8]. Additionally, io::Cursor wraps an in-memory buffer and provides it through io::Read and io::Write. Therefore, EncastIO and DecastIO would enable to write a library that can encast from and decast to file, network and memory.

Notes on #![no_std]

This crate has features std and alloc that are enabled by default.

To build this crate for a no_std environment without a global allocator, add the following dependencies in Cargo.toml. With the current version of this crate, EncastMem and DecastMem except methods encastv and encastvf are available.

castflip = { version = "0.1", default-features = false }

To build this crate for a no_std environment with a global allocator, add the following dependencies in Cargo.toml. With the current version of this crate, EncastMem and DecastMem including methods encastv and encastvf are available. (allocator_api is not supported because it cannot be used on the stable release channel.)

castflip = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] }

In both cases above, EncastIO and DecastIO cannot be used since they require std::io.

Because we do not have good no_std environments nor good experiences, we are not sure that the current version of this crate provides sufficient features for no_std environments. Feedbacks are welcome!

For more information, please see the description of each trait and enum listed below.


Defines experimental traits and historical traits.


Defines two types of endianness: relative endian (Native or Swapped) and absolute endian (Little or Big).


An alias of Endian::Big, which means Big-Endian.

An alias of Endian::Little, which means Little-Endian.

An alias of Endian::Native, which means Native-Endian.

An alias of Endian::Swapped, which means Swapped-Endian.


Defines types whose values can be encasted and decasted.

Defines methods to decast and endian-flip through io::Write.

Defines methods to decast and endian-flip on memory.

Defines methods to encast and endian-flip through io::Read.

Defines methods to encast and endian-flip on memory.

Defines types whose values can be endian-flipped.

Defines types whose values may not be endian-flipped.